Never meant to offend your knowledge of the game. I have just been trying to look at your suggested G1 purchase as a strategy rather than a gambit. A strategy means that you have a plan that will work against good to optimal responses without relying on luck. A gambit is a ploy that requires sub-optimal response and/or lucky dice.
Like your plane attack into Russia. Germany uses most/all of its planes to open a tank path to Russia, but if UK has any inf in Karelia or tanks in Norway, UK can defend Moscow with those and its figs. Even then, if Japan takes Moscow for a round (nice ipc boost, it has probably lost all/most of axis planes and moscow can be retaken next turn. Unless Germ also in a position to hammer Karelia (and hold it and Germ capital) on its next turn, then Allies can rebound quickly.
We have already corrected one flaw of the initial plan, stacking in EE rather than turning that into a deadzone (and giving Russia a 6 ipc swing against Germ). One of the other issues that I think need to be addressed is the amount of ipcs UK has to build its super fleet. I think the magic number is 58 (BB, AC, 2 trans). Taking the tank to Libya helps, but I’m not certain it is optimal for your strat. You should consider all your options with the Med fleet, planes, and Baltic fleet and think about the timing of a strat bombing of London. Also, how many units do you really need in EE to hold off the Russians on R2 and R3. Is the baltic trans better as foder in NOR, so you can use 2 figs to hit the Gib BB (and maybe take Bom on strat bombing to London).
Your Jap pearl attaack is a real good plan for your strat. You will never use the BBs again because you need everthing you can on Moscows doorstep on r4. I think you should look again at how the heavy China attack allows you to have more units on R4. I would use the island figs to hit the Inidan trans, land on AC off of FIC, land 2 inf there, land two inf in Manch Non com the planes to FIC. UK can counter FIC or China. If Russia takes Manchuria, great, because then you can hit it with 6 inf, tank, and planes on J2 (killing Russian inf). J2 - You take Sink (probably abandoned) and India and cold hold both. on J3 you have Yakut and SFE. At that point, Russia should use ine inf on the boarder (to Moscow) rterritories. and will need to start trading them with Japan. Jap has a lot more planes, so it shoudl use less inf for this.
The question is if Germ can make an attack on the super fleet to keep this a Germ and Jap vs. Russia battle? Doing strat bombing (without an AA hit) should knock UK2 buying power down to 53 ipcs. (that probably only results in one less trans). I wonder if using the Med fleet to take out the sub is best on G1, with a follow-up to Western med (take Gib if necessary to protect the BB 9and hopefully trans is still alive) so that allies can’t hit it is a better complement. Hopefully, this givesyou a BB and trans for the superfleet attack. Remember, kill the trans and retreat, saving the planes for the Russian 1-2 is the goal.