I thought maybe I was missing something. But it sounds like that is how it is.
Latest posts made by Klaykowalski
RE: Flying over Seuz canal
RE: Flying over Seuz canal
On page 20, table 4-3, it says “Major Powers are considered neutral until they are at war with another Major power (even if they are at war with Minor Powers). Minor Powers are neutral until they are Aligned to a Major Power who is at war with another Major Power (even if they are at war). A Major Power may not enter or fly over a neutral nation without a declaration of war.”
Then on page 8, 1.6 it says "1.6 Straits and Canals: Straits and canals are water passages that can be closed to nations that are at war with the nation that Possess them. It costs no additional movement to move through straits or canals beyond what is required to change sea zones even if that passage
crosses a land zone. The primary difference is that a strait is located in a sea zone and a canal is located in a land zone. Thus;
(a) Land units can cross a canal but not a strait. (b) Air units can fly over neutral straits but not a neutral canal. © Submarines can move through closed straits but not closed canals. (d) You could move through a strait the turn you captured its controlling territory but not through a canal. "So how can that Italian fighter fly over a neutral UK?
Sub Base
Were playing '36 and I read this in the rules “Ships and Submarines can be placed at any factory location or Naval Base (including Shipyards) connected to a factory via an undamaged railroad. Submarines may be placed at a Submarine base. No more than five ships can be placed in this manner.” My question is in order to place subs at a sub base does it need to connected factory via an undamaged railroad or is that just for Naval Base (including Shipyards)? I would think they would have included sub bases in that same sentence, but they didn’t.
Just wondering if Germany can lend-lease Italy through neutrals?
Flying over Seuz canal
Were playing the 1936 scenario. Right now Italy is only at war Russia, since Russia declared war on Italy last turn. I’m wondering if I can fly that fighter that starts out on ERITREA over the canal in order to get it back to the homeland to defend his big rush.
Naval Situation
When Germany declares war with a neutral, lets say Denmark in this situation, and they have a naval unit and Germany also has naval units in that same sea zone. Does Germany HAVE to kill that unit before moving out of the zone or does Germany have the option of attacking that unit with some or all its naval units or can they just simply move their naval units out of sea zone and leave it be?
New Nations
It says on American score card “Contain Communism” Score 1 victory objective if world-wide there are less than 3 new nations or former colonies possessed by the Comintern at end of game. Can someone tell me how new nations get created? Some examples?
Peacetime bonus Income
We know that the the income goes up immediately on the chart. But, the allies were thinking that they got that money at the beginning of their turn. I say that it goes up immediately so they can declare war. But, they don’t actually receive the money until their collect income phase on there next turn. Who’s right?
RE: Peace time economy
When does the allied player receive the money? Do they get the bonus IPP’s at start of turn to use to make purchases? Or do they collect that bonus when they collect IPP’s at end of turn?