Just got the newsletter so thought I’d roam back over to this board. Interesting to see a WW1 game, but after the debacle that was Global 1940, I think I can wait a few years to pick up a copy. Make sure all the rules have been ironed out…and the game they send is complete…
/Can’t believe I paid money to be a beta tester for Global A&A, no thanks!/
Larry you work out the rules and make sure the product is complete and then MAYBE I will spend some money on it, after reading the reviews.

Latest posts made by JimmyHat
RE: Worst part of the game so far
RE: Allied bid placement strategies
An unasked for observation I know, but Triple A is easier than battlemap. Sure you gotta download the program and then get the corresponding map, but it’s all setup for you. Finding opponents is really easy and you can get a game done in about 4 hours. You really should try it Gamerman.
RE: Allied bid placement strategies
You wont see that bid in the league though…
I played alot of TripleA live and I was quite successful with inf egy ss 35 as my standard bid in dice games. I’ve also used that bid in most of my ladder games and generally I’ve done well except against the best of the best.
Positive you beat me once with that placement, I go under the handle of DanGer on TripleA. It was after losing to you that I started experimenting with a sub bid!:)
RE: Balancing OOB Global
I like A2 with the addition of War with Russia/US if london falls, that has been the most even iteration of the game so far.
RE: First turn UK industry buy in Egypt - how do you counter it
best counter is an easy Sealion.
RE: Adjacent Territories
KNP is right, the single most important item when constructing a board game…the board…was slap-dashed and rushed and put together in a hurry so they could sell it, it has many errors around the America’s and various other sea zones…G40 must be the worst produced A&A game I’ve ever played.(no interest in Guadalcanal)
RE: Are these latest changes the last?
So when these new prints of Europe 1940 and Pacific 1940 come out, they will mainly be minor changes to the map and a re-writing of the rules to reflect the latest Alpha+3 setup, right? And perhaps the correct number of tac bombers for Japan and a correct battle strip in Pacific 1940.
The rest of the games will basically be the same in regards to the pieces and other materials, right? EG: blue Soviet pieces for France and brown German pieces for Italy.
You know, one thing that would be a big improvement is if they reprinted Pacific 1940 with the higher quality cardboard pieces, like control markers, factories, bases, of Europe 1940 rather than that thin flimsy stuff.Flip the cardboard counters upside down and they become immensely easier to pick up with guy fingers.
RE: DEI Question
Crete is a separate Pro-Allies neutral territory.
Correct, and Crete is part of Greece.
RE: DEI Question
I think using Greece as an example is bad for this game because it has 2 territories. Its better to look at Turkey or some other neutral with only 1 territory.
RE: Cruisers, whats the point?
I would say you can have as many rounds of dice throwing as needed, just so long as you don’t conquer the square. It can be the only way to hold on to Moscow sometimes, to straffe that major German stack that just moved next to moscow.