Here’s the actual numbers of German vehicles sold to the Axis minors in toto (as best as I can find them), in order from most to least numerous:
1. Panzer IV: 387
2. StuG III: 252
3. Panzer 35/38: 214
4. Hetzer: 75
5. Panzer III: 31
6. SdKfz 222/223: 20
7. Panzer I: 8
8. Panther: 5
9. Tiger I: 3
The one pause this gives me is that there are alot fewer Panzer III’s than I had expected; I think that when I was just scanning over the lists, rather than taking the time to actually add them all up, I was seeing all the Panzer IV’s and StuGIII’s and mentally filling in more Panzer III’s than I should have. Of course, these raw #'s don’t tell us which versions were being used. And Panzer III’s were being used by 3/4 of the countries in question. Still, the overall picture makes me think that maybe the Panzer IV is an even higher priority than the Panzer III, here. (Though I know the Panzer III might be a more popular choice.) Of course, if you do both and do them in German colors, you haven’t really lost anything, because the German-colored versions of the set could then also serve as a “supplement for the German supplement set”, and you wouldn’t have to do any of them in both… But if I could find out for sure which Panzer IV version was more used by the minors, you could also do a different Panzer IV in both sets, one early short-barrel and one late long-barrel. I suspect that the minors might have used the earlier version more, but I don’t know for sure.
Have you decided on the line-up for the German supplement set yet?