Well I need help again with J1 :(.
The situation looks something like the following:
6 Russian inf in bury
4 Russian inf in Sink (Perhaps this doesn’t happen.)
1 Russian armor in Yak (Perhaps this doesn’t happen.)
2 Russian fighters in Kaz (Perhaps this doesn’t happen.)
1 UK bomber in Nov/Kaz/Cauc
1 UK Sub in sz45 (Plan on it killing the Japan sub.)
1 UK tranny in sz36
1 UK DD AND AC in sz59
1 UK tranny in sz47
1 UK Fighter either in sz59 OR in bury OR with Pearl fleet (1. Which ever you find worse for Japan, in that case, where would you put it?)
To me this is pretty much the worse shape that Japan could be in. 2. If your goal is to make Japan be in the hardest starting position possible, would you go for borneo with a UK tranny and leave your UK AC in sz36 or would the above be the best thing for UK to do? Any other changes that you can see to make Japan be in the roughest starting position possible?
3. As Japan, what would you do in this situation? I buy 1 AC and 1 tranny and save the rest. I usually hit Pearl hard with all that can make it, probably with tranny to take a hit. I also hit China with all inf AND two fighters to try to have the average of 5 inf left over. The two fighters will land on new AC. I hate going for a tranny with a fighter, but I’d probably go for one tranny with my sixth fighter. 4. Would you go for a tranny with a fighter? My second fleet will probably hit another UK ship, maybe sz47/sz36. The problem is that I can’t hit sz59, unless I don’t go with Pearl or go Pearl light, which neither option I do, so my new fleet and my sz47/sz36 fleet is at risk from 4/5 UK attacking units. 5. Should I not hit pearl? If UK sinks my new fleet on UK2, then Japan will be slowed down even more, perhaps too much to recover.
6. Plan on your Japan sub being killed, but if it survives, would that change your plans much?