Absolutely get it - it is the sweet spot between beginner and super advanced(global).
Latest posts made by adaptation
RE: Thinking of 1942.2 buy?
RE: Looking 1v1 1942v2, tripleA PBEM
Ok im down, im gonna start a game on the forums. I will play Allies if thats fine with you? Let me know and i will get the game started. Not sure what ‘‘LMK’’ means. Although i have played a couple of 1942 games, first experience using the forums for gameplay. Im following tripleA instructions so far.
RE: Anybody for a G40 game?
Still looking? I have only played one game of g40 so i might mess up the rules, but two inexperienced players always make a fun wild game.
RE: Find Opponents Here!
Anyone want a game of A&A Revised. Sorry thats the last game I’ve played, havent played for a fair while and would like to have a game of that to get used to it again before playing some of the new variants.I prefer to play by forum, am in the process of downloading Abattlemap etc, just have to remember how it all works again, unless someone has the time and patience to walk me through the set up and gameplay of a new variant.
Have you found someone? Im down for a good old 2004 revised with an axis bid. Let me know, i can play abattlemap or tripleA
RE: PBEM - Hints, tips, and tools
Hey folks,
Have a quick question for you. I noticed that in PBEM games the attacker generally handles the casualty choices in combat for both players. However, in some cases, where multiple rounds of combat are involved, or in some tricky naval engagements, I can see that the defender would no doubt prefer the autonomy to make these important choices. How is this difficulty generally handled?
I had this exact same question so I searched the forums. I thought I’d bump this rather than start a new thread.
This seems like it could be a game losing factor in the naval battles he suggested. Perhaps an opponent might choose to lose his carrier so that the fighters can fight one more round and then crash into the ocean, or perhaps he wants the opposite. And what if you combat move into a submarine, how do you know if we wants to submerge it or sacrifice it and take down a ship.Even if the answers to these examples are obvious and I"m not aware, maybe noone would ever in their life sac a sub or something. But surely there must be SOME situation where it is not appropriate for the attacker to choose casualties even if they do their best to remain unbiased.
Sadly with PBEM or Forum play, the only way to ever handle such situation is to halt combat and ask the defender how he wants the battle to go. Generally the attacker uses his logic but when multiple choices arises, he needs to put the game on hold and ask the defender. However such decisions usually occur only 3-4 times per game
RE: Looking 1v1 1942v2, tripleA PBEM
Im gonna bump this, im down to play by forum as well, which i forgot to mention
RE: How to counter Japanese Subs?
J2 conquest would mean UK messed up big time and china did not attack or japan let them take over some 2 IPC territories.
Looking 1v1 1942v2, tripleA PBEM
With the game recently released, im looking for people who want it to play it. I would play without a bid, as axis or allies.
TripleA v1_6_1_2 is what im using.
RE: Montreal players !!!
Je suis prets a vous recevoir au sud de montreal pres du pont lachapelle dans chomedey
pres du metro Montmorency mais je ne veux pas de joueurs Aggresifs je prefere meme prendre un verre avec vous avant de vous recevoir avec tout ce qui se passe de nos jours j’ai des antennes Tu peux avoir 16 ans ou 70 ans être blanc noir Asiatique ca c’est correct je veux juste ouvrir mon chez moi un 5 et demi a du monde gentil en premier …. J’ai la nouvelle version de A & A 1942 second edition avec les AAA guns .Je viens de l’acheter également et je suis loin d’être aggresif! En fait, je suis un peu trop calme alors que mon allemagne se fait envahir de tout les cotés! Je dirais que le plus gros défaut des joueurs de A&A, c’est de se frustrer quand les dés ne vont pas de leur cotés. Mais Axis and Allies doit etre vu comme le poker ou autre jeux de chance; le long terme…
Je serais partant de faire une game, je vit au centre ville de montreal. Idéalement il faudrait trouver deux autres personne, je trouve que A&A se joue idealement a quatre, mais 1v1 c’est quand meme bien le fun!
RE: Just recieved 42.2, my thoughts.
My thoughts exactly. The game itself is pretty good, but feels cheap if you had the revised version in the past.