Another 3 matches, another 3 losses for the axis.
Match 1: Germany f***ed up, playing aggressively while not being able to do so and maintaining the pressure after a G1 Baltic AC build and average successful R1 WRu and Ukr. So Germany just lost it’s tanks one by one, Japan was too slow, taking the long road, building only 4 transports with no transport on the southern route. Axis quickly gave up.
Match 2: My turn for Germany at last. Went Bomber, 6 INF, 2 arm on G1. Played defensively for a few turns on the eastern front, taking Karelia and building up pressure towards WRu and Ukr. Built another Bomber on G2, so that when UK invaded Norway I could kill his fleet, leaving me with 3 Bombers and no fighters. A russian sub in the Black Sea was a rather clever invest, costing me 12 IPC for 2 dds and forcing me to do suboptimal fleet moves (countering US invasion of Algeria instead of retaking AES).
The US, in what everyone thought to be a silly strategy, advanced with it’s whole fleet towards the pacific. And then disaster struck. My Japan teammate, usually a great player, didn’t notice after a 3 Bomber build from the US that his bombers from WUs could land in the Russian country north of Bur (which he didn’t take on J2 due to lucky russian dice). So there went most of his fleet against better than average dice (which only led to a better outcome for the US). Next turn Japan didn’t take down (or notice) the lone transport in front of Alaska. So Japan was taken with 1 INF, 4 ftr and Battleship Bombardment vs. 4 INF, 1 Art and a ftr.
Man, was I disappointed (and my teammate rather embarrassed). Everything runs according to plan (except for a few unlucky dice), and then such a stunt.
Match 3: Another AC build for Germany (me with UK/US), this time in the Med with a tran. I didn’t want to show up in the first place, and my only comment was “Had I known this beforehand, I had’nt come.”
It still became more interesting than anticipated, due to lucky German dice on the AES counter on UK1 and Germany taking whole of Africa. Japan again didn’t take his transports to the southern route, therefore again being too slow in Asia, never mind not picking up Infantry from the Islands. UK/US shuck to Norway on turn 3, then Eastern Europe on turn 4, then Germany turn 5. German player with mistakes on turn 5, not defending Germany enough (neither with enough INF nor with Japanese fighters). Lucky dice on top for the allies sealed the Berlin deal on US5, Axis surrendering.
So still, Axis looks bad in our matches. If only my fellow players would refrain from pulling ridiculous stunts and questionable strategies.