Looking for players in or around the Philadelphia region
PA suburbs Jersey and Delaware are fine. I’m trying to make more contacts and so more games in on my days off.
Posts made by MachWon
Philadelphia region - Pennsylvania- South Jersey - Delaware
RE: Any players in the Philadelphia Area?
I play and live in the philly area
RE: Philadelphia, PA
I live in montgomery country. I have gobal 40 and anniversary editions. I also have the orgianl AA, Europe, Pacific and battle of the budgle. I gave my 2nd edition away to a good friend who plays with me once and a while. If you guys wanna set a game up I will certainly attend. I yet to play the gobal game version. Do you guys have house rules.
I posted this because im not sure you go my PM. My mail box doesn’t say if i sent it or not
RE: Philadelphia, PA
Does anyone still play AA I live in the suburbs of philly
RE: South Jersey?
I live in philly. South jersey is not that far. Would you be intrested?
RE: Lancaster PA
I live in the suburbs of philly. I have many verisons of AA. I also have family that lives in york. So I am familiar with the area. Im 26 and I own a car. I would love chat some more abiut getting a game together if you are still intrested. It is very hard to find players in this area.