• Any EQ players out there?

    I myself am a semi-retired 53 Mage of the Fennin Ro server, by the name of Yanbun Bigbirdbane. When I switched to a proxy at home, I couldn’t run EQ anyone without being disconnected every 15 minutes.

    But would love to see if any other EQers, or better yet Fennin Roers visited these forums.

  • I’d hate to have to pay a monthly subscription just to play a game on the internet. It’s bad enough to pay my $49.95 for a 1.5 MB connection, let alone another $10 if I wanted to play EQ. I’ve heard it’s really fun though. :P (and addicting).

  • I get what your saying, but it would be economically impossible to run a game like Everquest without a monthly charge. A year ago, when they were charging 9.99 a month and not 12.95 a month, they were barely turning a profit. Now, they make ~2$ profit per user (430,000 users) per month, according to some outside estimates.

    But 12$ a month is nothing. I spend more than that on Nacho Chips. I know its the principle of the thing, but the money is definately worth it.

  • Level 13 Brell Siris Rouge. Name is Koin. Not addicted but i havnt ben playing much.

  • Come to Fennin Ro, I’ll twink the hell out of you :)

  • Can you play everquest on a 56k modem??

  • Easily. I did for about 2 years.

  • Thanks for the information, I guess the next part is me trying to convince the wife that 10 dollars a month is not alot for the enjoyment of the game.
    Can you tell me Yanny what a good starting race and class I should pick for being new.

  • It depends on how you like to play. I can twink out pretty much any class (Pure casters being the hardest).

    What class were you thinking of playing?

  • I was thinking along the lines of magic, swinging a sword just seems so hack and slash. No offense to anybody here who likes that kind of stuff.
    Don’t get me wrong I would branch off into other stuff even into the warrior field. There is just something about magic that I love.

    Yanny have you heard about EverQuest 2?? I heard it taxes the comp big time!! I have heard you need like 512RAM just to play?? Can you confirm this?

  • EQ2 is going to be a major game. But its still 18 months from release. 512 isn’t unusual for next-gen games. I mean, 18 months ago, I was using 128 Megs of ram and playing fairly high end games.

    Maybe you would be interested in a Hybrid class? They fight, and can’t cast spells at lower levels. However, starting at level 9 (which I’ll get you to in 2 hours) they can cast spells. I have some great Shadowknight gear laying around.

    If you don’t want to go the way of the Hybrid, how about a priest? Cleric, Druid, or Shaman. I can twink a Cleric pretty easily, it will take a few days to get stuff for Druids or Shamans (though they are much more fun than Clerics are in my opinion).

    If you want a real challenge, go for a intelligence caster. These classes are Necromancer, Mage, Wizard, and Enchanter. I wouldn’t suggest an Enchanter for a beginer, and a Wizard will get tough. I myself am a Mage, and love it (created the character April 21, 1999, still play him today). I already got a full set of Necromancer gear ready if you want to play one. As a Mage, I can definately put together some stuff.

  • Thanks for the offer but I have no idea what you mean by “gear”?? I havn’t even played my first game yet. The monthly fee how do you pay for it? Necromancer does sound like something I would be into. Are there quests or is the game free roaming or both??

  • Sorry about that Yanny that “guest” was me. I forgot to log in.

  • The game is 100% free roaming. There are quests, though they are completely optional.

    The game is centered around three things. People, Levels, and Items. People are the other players you work together with, group with, and just joke around. Its a very social game. Levels are attained by getting exp like any Dnd-esk game. Leveling up will give you significant increases in power, and in addition open up for opportunities in the game. In addition to levels, items increase your power. Most will increase your stats, Hp, Ac, Atk, Str, ect.

    An explanation of the races can be found here:


    Note, if you do not have the Kunark Expansion, you cannot be Iksar. If you don’t have the Luclin expansion, you cannot be Vah Shir.

    I’ll explain the classes myself:

    Bard: Fun class. Can melee alongside any warrior (though not nearly as good). Can wear plate armor. They cast songs instead of spells. Their songs form a very well rounded arsenal of magic.

    Beastlord: Only available with the Luclin expansion. Well rounded, they can melee and cast powerful spells. Their main strength is their pet, they can summon a powerful animal to fight alongside them, often doing more damage than the Beastlord himself.

    Cleric: Heal. Heal. Heal. Heal. Thats the life of a cleric. They have very few useful spells aside from Heals and buffs. Borrrrrring.

    Druid: Tree hugger. Can heal a little worse than a cleric. Casts offensive spells. Can teleport for easy travel. Well rounded class, in my opinion rather boring to play.

    Enchanter: A very complex yet powerful class. They can do very little damage. However, their spells can increase other player’s abilities and powers while decreasing the powers of monsters. Hard for a beginer.

    Magician: The class I play. Very fun, very powerful. Magicians are the all time masters of damage. However, we have absolutely no defensive ability. We can summon the most powerful pet to fight alongside us. And we look damn cool.

    Monk: Melee class. They are the masters of duel wield, meaning they can wield two weapons from square one. They do great damage, and can take decent hits. At level 17 and on, they can use the most powerful skill in the game, Feign Death. FD can be used to make NPCs believe you are dead, and they will walk away.

    Necromancer: Very powerful solo class, but doesn’t work well with other players. They can summon a pet equal to a Beastlord’s. They can do pretty much anything well, but they are not best at anything. It takes them time to deal damage, but they can deal a considerable amount of damage given a long period of time.

    Paladin: Holy Knight, 1/4 Cleric 3/4 Warrior. They can use 2 handed weapons very well, but cannot use two weapons at once. They can heal about at the level of a Shaman, and cast lower level cleric spells. Decent class, takes a few levels to come into it’s prime.

    Ranger: 1/4 Druid 3/4 Warrior. They are masters of archery, though it doesn’t become useful until very late levels. They can melee better than a warrior, cast very low level druid spells. Not good till high levels.

    Rogue: Another melee class. They do great amounts of damage, second only to Mages, but have few other skills. They can sneak and hide, the only way to be invisible to undead and regular mobs (the EQ term for Monsters is Mob). Very boring class to play, but powerful.

    Shaman: Fun class. They can heal decently. They can stand up in melee without being knocked down. They can cast very powerful and well rounded spells. They can cast a so-so pet.

    Shadowknight: 1/4 Necro 3/4 Warrior. Like a Paladin, except they specialize in damage rather than healing. Very powerful, but very hard to play. Works well solo, but not very well with players.

    Warrior: Masters of taking damage. They are the best tanks in the game. At the same time, they can use all types of weapons, wield 2 at once, and do decent damage. Boring to play.

    Wizard: Masters of direct damage. Wizards simply snap their fingers and utterly roast a mob. However, they cannot sustain their damage over a period of time. They are the only caster without a pet, so they must continue to move to prevent being hit. They can teleport themselves to ease travel.

  • Thank you for the information, I’m going to show my wife the stuff you have given here. The Shadowknight sounds cool, Necromancer also sounds fun as well. I have a few more questions if you don’t mind.

    1. Are there cities?
    2. Once a quest is done can others do it as well?
    3. Are their level limits for certain races and/or classes?
    4. You brought up certain classes having trouble working with others such as ShadowKnight or the Necromancer why is that?
    5. I have heard of the term of player killer. What is this some type of monster??
    6. Are new quests added every month??
    7. Are there player kingdoms/empires?? Are certain areas controled by player groups?

    Please answer If you don’t mind. I have more questions if you don’t mind. Thanks for the information again

  • If you have two computer, you can play with your wife, lots of EQ players do it. In fact, scores of EQ players have actually met their wives playing EQ :)

    1. Are there cities?

    Tons of them. Each race has their own starting city, the Humans having two. In addition, there are at least a dozen complete cities aside from the racial starting cities.

    2. Once a quest is done can others do it as well?

    Yes. Do to the fac that EQ has been going on for 4 years, with over 430,000 players, quests are static. The same person can even do the quest over and over again if he or she wishes.

    3. Are their level limits for certain races and/or classes?

    Nope, max level is 65 for all. Trolls Iksar and Ogres however gain experience slower than other classes.

    4. You brought up certain classes having trouble working with others such as ShadowKnight or the Necromancer why is that?

    Everquest revolves around grouping. Some classes have no choice but to group for experience, such as the Cleric or Warrior or Rogue. Those classes cannot “Solo” for experience effectively. On the other hand, some classes are designed for solo play, and are less effective when fighting in a group. Shadowknights, Necros, Wizard, and Beastlords are primarily made to solo.

    5. I have heard of the term of player killer. What is this some type of monster??

    A Player killer is a player who attacks another player. However, this is not possible on all but 4 servers. Player vs Player combat generally does not occur, except in a duel.

    6. Are new quests added every month??

    Not really. Quests are periodically added to the game, mainly via expansions. There are so many quests in this game (probably close to 1000 quests) that you’ll never get through them. However, quests are secondary to earning experience, grouping, and at higher levels, raiding (Raiding - 20+ people get together to kill something big, like a dragon).

    7. Are there player kingdoms/empires?? Are certain areas controled by player groups?

    Nope. Players usually work together and not against each other. However, on the Sullon Zek server, players are divided into 3 teams depending on the god they worship (Good, Evil, or Neutral). That is a player vs player server in which teams work together to fight each other. Many zones are controlled by teams, and some zones are just contested warzones.

    Never a problem to answer the questions.

  • Thanks for the information, here is a some more If you don’t mind.

    1. Do certain races have trouble working together?
    2. What is the money system like? Is it like the D&D system?
    3. Are there any undead areas?
    4. Are there any current wars going on in the EverQuest world? For example a Elf verse Orc war.
    5. Is it 10 dollars a month fee for unlimited acces, or is it 10 dollars a month per player, can I have more than one character at a time playing each one at different times?
    6. How is the dialouge between players and computer controled players?
    7. Are there alot of gods in EverQuest?

  • 1. Do certain races have trouble working together?

    Players can interact with other players freely. However, NPCs are quite different. We have the faction system in Everquest. There are hundreds of faction groups out there. Depending on your race, class, and diety choice your faction will change with certain groups. In addition, killing monsters or completing quests often results in faction gain/loss.

    For example, My Gnome Magician is Agnostic (No particular god). I can freely interact with all good races (Elves, Dwarves, Fellow Gnomes, Halfings), and I am welcome in all Human (Human, Barbarian, and Erudite) cities. However, if I walk into Neriak I will be sneered at, and Merchants will refuse to sell to me. If I walked into Cabalis, Ogguk, or Grobb, I’d be killed on sight. Say I killed a lot of Halflings, then my faction with Rivervale(Halfing city) would lower, and my Neriak (Dark Elf city) would be raised.

    2. What is the money system like? Is it like the D&D system?

    1 Platnium piece = 10 Gold pieces = 100 Silver pieces = 1000 copper pieces

    3. Are there any undead areas?

    Many. A few that come to mind are the dungeons of Befallen, Unrest, Sebilis, Howling Stones, Kurns Tower, Lower Guk, Maidens Eye, and lots more.

    4. Are there any current wars going on in the EverQuest world? For example a Elf verse Orc war.

    Everquest is in a constant state of conflict. Elves battle Orks, Gnomes battle Minotaurs, Dwarves battle Goblins, Halflings and Dark Elves fight each other, the list goes on. However, there are very few times where you will actually see the wars going on. More often you will see single NPCs duking it out.

    5. Is it 10 dollars a month fee for unlimited acces, or is it 10 dollars a month per player, can I have more than one character at a time playing each one at different times?

    12.95 / month per accout. Only one active character is allowed per account. You can have 8 characters per server per account.

    6. How is the dialouge between players and computer controled players?

    Not too much. PC hails NPC. NPC responds with a prepared bit. PC says key words to get the NPC to keep talking.

    7. Are there alot of gods in EverQuest?

    There is an entire pantheon of gods. About 15 can be worshipped by playes (these are the lesser gods), then above them are another 10 or so upper gods. Above them is Veeshan, mother of all gods and queen of the dragons, and the Nameless, creator of the universe.

  • Hope you don’t mind another 7 questions Yanny.

    1. Can players meet and/or talk to their or anyother god?
    2. Can players build a castle or fort in a area?
    3. Can player Rogues sneak into npc controled areas and look around.
    4. What is the party limit?
    5. Can a player attack a temple, and if so will the god that owns the temple send special monsters to defend the temple?
    6. Just how big are the cities.
    7. Is it possible to raid or attack a city?

  • No problem, questions are fun.

    1. Can players meet and/or talk to their or anyother god?

    Well, players can break into the God’s plane of existance. In most cases, this means the god wants you dead, and will kill you on sight regardless of your diety choice. However, there are some rare instances (only 3 that I can think of) where you can talk to your God, for a quest.

    2. Can players build a castle or fort in a area?


    3. Can player Rogues sneak into npc controled areas and look around.

    Yep. Very rarely however some NPCs will be able to see through a rogue’s Hide/Sneak.

    4. What is the party limit?

    5. Can a player attack a temple, and if so will the god that owns the temple send special monsters to defend the temple?

    Well, Gods don’t really have temples. More often players will attack the God’s plane of existance, and the God (and his little creatures) will defend itself.

    6. Just how big are the cities.

    Pretty big. Everquest is divided into zones. Some cities can take up 3 zones. There are usually about 100 NPCs per city, more in Neriak, Freeport, and a few others.

    You can raid cities, but rarely is there much reward. However, it will vastly improve (and lower) your faction.

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