• Just saw this option.  I’m about to try using them for the first time in Sea Lion.  Interesting you can load them on BB and CA’s.

  • Hi guys, been away for a while. For FTF table top games, what are folks using for marines? In addition to 1940 Global I have my old A&A Classic pieces. I was thinking the infantry units from there may be used. What are others doing?

  • @SEP said in Marines:

    {snip} … what are folks using for marines? In addition to 1940 Global I have my old A&A Classic pieces. I was thinking the infantry units from there may be used. {snip}

    While I like that idea, the problem with that is that the infantry from A&A Classic are the same sculpts. While some nations have really changed the color of their pieces, others have not (such as UK and USA). One fairly cheap idea would be to use a plastic chip of an agreed-upon color (blue would work nicely, I think) under the would-be marines. Another option would be to grab some acrylic “Marines” markers from HBG (available here) and use those under your would-be marines. HBG also sells plastic chips, available here.

    I hope this helps you out.


  • Thank you.

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