Do you think Germany should go for Brazil or Not ?

  • Well, the logic is that if Germany have enough time to loose to go for Brazil, It should go for India and help Japan, or Germans should send down a transport ot Australia, or that German transport should try to float all across the map to return to Germany as a long time traveller and hero (even if he didn’t conquered, he made all the map…)

    Of course, this is prety impossible…

    On this idea, we were playing a game that last long enough (A&A long… nah! =) ) that my transport in Solomons Islands (send down from Japan in the middle of the game) had one infantry that almost did it all the way across the map, stopped (wich is normal) just after Panama (the interessting thing is that he was dropped in Australia, New Zeland, India, Iraq, Africa, Germany (to support ?!), Gibraltar, Panama and then was killed by a US Bomber, on the other side of the Panama.

    Well, that is maybe the longest course a simple infantry as done, he ended in Panama 'cuz the transport was killed, and then , my Jap hero was kicked off the map by US… so sad for my hero…

    Did anyone ever tried to accomplish this ? (i dont think so but…)

    And you will all ask, why ?? why send to "hell a trans and one infantry, i dont have the answer, just for fun!

  • That happened to me! A very early game (when none of us had a clue & games were waaay less predictable) I was losing my shirt as Germany & the end was near so I spent all my ICs building a fleet & sent it through the Suez (which I still owned) w/ 2 INF & 2 FTRs. My Gerrys took Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand & BRAZIL before being caught & eliminated–by a RUSSIAN FLEET! Of course the game was already nearly lost, but the Allies had to use so much effort taking Japan (we didn’t know the importance of strat-bombing in a situation like this) that my little holdouts caused a lot of headaches. It would be sooo cool if that could happen again, but no–it NEVER will!


  • Well, I didnt tought that anyone would live a situation like mine =)

    Anyone else who got a war hero ?

    (Sidenote, just 'cuz my “travelling” INFANTRY was “a hero” I placed a marker (JAP) under it for one turn, it was is reward =) )

  • LOL! :D

    IMO its very important to maintain that sense of fun & adventure even as the game gets more strategic and “serious” as the players get better. I have a lot of stories about “hero” units. One that springs to mind is a German BB piece that seemed to be “charmed”. We used it as the start BB in 2 games in a row and it was indestructible! I think it sank like 7 planes & who knows how many ships in both games! However, the 3rd game I lost the piece–that is, we couldn’t agree which of the 3 German BB’s it was! So the charmed BB is whatever one scores a good victory in a game. Of course, we call it the “Bismarck” even though that was a decidedly unlucky ship. & come to think of it the A & A German BB really represents the Italian fleet! Oh well…

    When I’m losing badly I still try to liven up the game w/ wild final moves & especially “escapes” as Germany (SUBs are good for this). Doesn’t work as often anymore tho!


  • True, & a good point. I suppose since the fleet is dead in the Med anyways a move out is practical. Also, Syria/Iraq SZ is about the only relatively safe SZ in the Med as well!

    Can the German fleet help more outside the Med for several turns than it can in the Med for only a few? One wonders… :o

    Only problem is, I continue to fail in my attempts to convice my esteemed colleagues of the necessity for a bid… :cry:

    Germany rules!


  • Go Leafs Go!!! I’m down the QEW (and 406) in Port Colborne, there are 5 other guys from Hamilton and Welland that play. We’re all mid-30’s guys who still find time for AD&D and various board games. I’ve got a good gig working from home so my time is fairly flexible.


  • Me, too! 8)

  • What, you live in Port Colborne too Xi? smirk


  • Nah! I live in Cin city. :roll:


    I’ve got a good gig working from home so my time is fairly flexible.

    Me, too! :)

  • Hey whats up Ozone 27, Long time no see.
    I’ve been experimenting over in A&A Europe

    Only problem is, I continue to fail in my attempts to convice my esteemed colleagues of the necessity for a bid…

    Germany rules!

    “sigh” :cry: Man I Hear That,
    Freakin Noobs :x

    Thankfully I can still pwn them with no bids,
    my problem is, I can’t get them to use RR
    That is What Pisses Me Off

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