Band of Brothers
Ingenious Bastards :) fun one

Latest posts made by THEFAN
RE: Best World War II movie?
RE: Favorite WWII Ship
Total respect for the USS Arizona and it’s crew. Will never forget. USS NEW JERSEY My dad was on it in Vietnam.
RE: Why do you like Axis and Allies?
I have played A&A spring of 1942 ince 1992. Just a simple game with a time period I like. Now I have expanded in all the other expansions and minaitures. I wasn’t sure on the miniatures. There are some good games out there but A&A has it’s place in my heart. Just my thought. Don
RE: Why are boosters worth it
I have just started playing and collection these games in the last 2 weeks. OK so from a new guy perspective. The boosters are a joy on the unknown but I know what country I want to collect so buying individual pieces is the way to go. The boosters are worth it if you buy by the case I figure. Just my 2 worthless cents.
OVER 200 A&A miniatures WTT/S
I have the following list of A&A miature groudgame pieces to trade or sell off. I am not into the game and want play the Naval game more. I am new but I have plenty of ref on other boards and ebay thefan_line on ebay with 766 pos feedback. Here is my have and needs at end of list. Thanks for looking and look to be a helpful member of this board.
everything is from the Base Set, Base Set 2 and a little form the D-Day expansion. Will add and edit as things come and go
COMMON : .75 each
UNCOMMON: 2.00 each
RARE: 6.00 eachShipping 2.00 for first 5 then 2.50 for up to 10 and 3.00 for a lot of them :)
Separated by Factions
Antitank Grenadier x4 (Infantry)
R-2 LT-35 x1 (Tank)Italy
Carro Armato x 1 (Tank)
Fucile Modello x4 (Infantry)
L3/35 x2 (Tank)Nationalist China
Kuomintang Officer x1 (Infantry)
Kuomintang Machine-Gun Team x1 (Machine Gun)Poland
Cavalrymen x2 (Horses)Canadian
Canadian Infantrymen x3 (Infantry)
Eagle-Eyed NCO x2 (Infantry)French
MAS 7.5mm Rifle x3 (Infantry)
Renault R-35 x2 (Tank)
Free French Infantrymen x3 (Infantry)British
6-Pounder Antitank Gun x3 (Artillery)
Churchill Crocodile x1 (Tank)
Humber Scout Car x3 (Jeep)
Inspiring Lieutenant x3 (Infantry)
M3 Stuard (Tank)
Royal Engineers x2 (Infantry)
SMLE No.4 Rifle x3 (Infantry)
Vickers Machine-Gun Team x5 (Machine Gun)
Archer x1 (Tank)
PIAT Gunner x2 (Machine Gun)
Bren Machine Gunner x4 (Machine Gun)
Churchill AVRE x1 (Tank)
Concealed Forward Observer x2 (Infantry)
Defiant Paratroopers x2 (Infantry)
Hawker Typhoon x1 (Plane)
Mk. VII Tetrarch (Tank)Russian
Commissar x4 (Infantry)
Mosin-Nagant 1891/30 x5 (Infantry)
Cossack Captain x2 (Infantry)
T-34/76 x2 (Tank)
Fanatical Sniper x1 (Infantry)
Guards T-34/85 (Tank)
IS-2 Model 1944 (Tank)
PPSn-41 SMG x4 (Infantry)
PTRD-41 Antitank Rifle x2 (Infantry)
T-70 Model 1942 x1 (Tank)
ZIS-2 57mm Model 1943 x3 (Artillery)
Hero of the Soviet Union x2 (Infantry)
SU-76mm x2 (Tank)Japanese
47mm Type 1 Antitank Gun x7 (Artillery)
Arisaka Rifle x3 (Infantry)
Imperial Sergeant x2 (Infantry)
Type 89 Mortar x5 (Infantry)
Type 92 Machine-Gun Team x3 (Machine Gun)
Type 95 Ha-Go x1 (Tank)
Imperial Sniper x3 (Infantry)
SNLF Captain x1 (Infantry)
SNLF Paratroopers x3 (Infantry)
Type 1 Ho-Ni x1 (Tank)
Type 2 Ka-Mi x1 (Tank)
Type 97 Chi-Ha x1 (Tank)
Type 97 Te-Ke Tankette x1 (Tank)
Honor-Bound Hero x2 (Infantry)American
Bazooka x7 (Infantry)
Jeep x4 (Jeep)
M1 Garand Rifle x7 (Infantry)
M4A1 Sherman x5 (Tank)
Marines M2-2 Flamethrower x4 (Infantry)
Mortar M2 x2 (Infantry)
Red Devil Captain x5 (Infantry)
3" Gun M5 x4 (Artillery)
BAR Gunner x2 (Infantry)
M24 Chaffee x1 (Tank)
M5 Half-Track x1 (Transport)
Screaming Eagle Captain x1 (Infantry)
Amtrack x1 (Tank)
Buffalo Soldiers x3 (Infantry)
Higgins Boat x1 (Landing Craft)
M1 81mm Mortar x2 (Infantry)
M16 Half-Track x2 (Transport)
M3 Half-Track x1 (Transport)
Resourceful Hero x1 (Infantry)German
Jagdpanther x1 (Tank)
Light Mortar x3 (Infantry)
Mauser Kar 98K x4 (Infantry)
MG 42 Machine-Gun Team x3 (Machine Gun)
PAK 38 Antitank Gun x6 (Artillery)
Panzer II Ausf. C x3 (Tank)
Panzer IV Ausf. G x5 (Tank)
Panzerfaust 30 x2 (Infantry)
SD KFZ 222 x2 (Jeep)
SD KFZ 251 x3 (Transport)
sIG 33 x1 (Tank)
SS-Haupsturmfurrer x3 (Infantry)
SS-Panzergrenadier x5 (Infantry)
Tiger I x3 (Tank)
PAK 40 Antitank Gun x2 (Artillery)
Panzer II (F) Flamingo x1 (Tank)
Panzer III Ausf. F x1 (Tank)
Wehrmacht Expert Sniper x1 (Infantry)
Wehrmacht Oberleutnant x2 (Infantry)
88mm Flak 36 x1 (Artillery)
Disciplined Spotter x2 (Infantry)
Focke-Wulf FW 190A (Plane)
Fortress Defender x3 (Infantry)
Grizzled Veteran x3 (Infantry)
Jagpanzer 38(T) Hetzer x2 (Tank)
Marder II x1 (Tank)
Messerschmitt Me 110 x1 (Plane)
Sandbagged Machine-Gun Team x2 (Machine Gun)
SD KFZ 250 x1 (Transport)
sGrW 34 81mm Mortar x2 (Infantry)
Veteran Tiger x1 (Tank)
Wehrmacht Veteran Infantrymen x3 (Infantry)Traps/Fortifications/Non Faction Specific
Minefield x2 (Trap)
Pillbox x2 (Fortification)
Tank Obstacle x3 (Fortification)
Barbed Wire x3 (Fortification)WANTED:
US naval ships mostly from war at sea first edit
Japanese ships
1/700 trempeter USS ships ( may have misspelled)
Northern exposure season 6
Hurt locker DVD
GIJOE toys 82-85
airsoft m9 tokyo muria version
Lego mini-figsLMK Thank you Don
edit as I think of things