My G1 I like to clear the UK navy except for the BB and CA. I focus on killing destroyers so I have subs to hit the rest of the fleet G2. Leaving the BB is bait to encourage the carrier to head north to defend it. Sometimes the UK will kill its own fleet for me, by sending the BB against my BB fleet(bait) which lets my subs/air finish it off G2.
I build a sub round 1 to make sure UK does not get the NO, and 6 Mech. Round 2, 1 sub to keep USSR from gettin NO sz 125 later plus all mech.
Since I did not use all my air on the Navy, I take France more often than not, using 5 armor and everything next to it, minus 1 Mech to protect my bomber/air force landing in Belgium.
I hit USSR round 2, and do a bee line(4 spaces from front lines, southern marsh route) straight for Moscow, picking up the others easily after a G6or7 capture of Moscow. I use almost all Mech builds first few rounds and my air power to make this happen. (I do not use a factory in Romania/Slovakia as that buys my first 12or30 mech) [You start out with 18 infantry, 3 armor and 5 artillery that can be in position for the G2 offensive, French armor catches up by G3 with the mech builds]
[12 or 30 mech: refers to the number of infantry a forward factory represents vs the number of infantry I can turn into Mechs for 1 dollar more that was saved by not spending 12 or 30 IPCs on a factory. Later mechs will cost more then infantry, but I will have saved time and gained board position with the 4/7 Mechs that 12/30 represents. This is favored as I believe E40 is a race to 8 cities. I produce 6 mechs vs 8 USSR units on average, but tip the scales early enough with starting air and armor]