And, of course, if on the next players turn, he wins it back, you are right back where you started at.
It’s important to not confuse your income level (indicated on the national production chart) with your IPCs “in the bank” (tracked on paper, or however you like). Your income level moves up and down as you gain and lose territories. As far as income level goes, you’re right that you end up back where you started if your opponent recaptures everything you captured. However, during the Collect Income phase of your turn, you added the number of IPCs indicated by your income level on the chart to your “bank balance”. Those IPCs are yours to keep until you spend them, so even if your opponent captures or recaptures territories, you will still have the IPCs you gained from them to spend on your next turn.
Ahh…(Light bulb turning on) So thats where the paper comes in…i always wondered why paper was needed, when we have a production chart
thanks,…we really had a messed up game , then, as i woudl capture a territory or two, lose it back, and not have anything to show for it