Indeed, thanks for playing with us. Looking forward to how this will unfold
( I changed my name to be without whitespace, because the play-by-forum did not like that one bit)
Best posts made by LederhosenMachtFrei
RE: NL (X) vs The_Good_Captain (L)
RE: 1 vs 1 tournament: A&A Anniversary 1941 (2022)
Cool initiative. I am interested. I can be number 8 :)
RE: NL (X) vs The_Good_Captain (L)
Axis and Allies can be a time consuming game. And although I like spending a weekend on a good match of Global, in reality finding the time can be cumbersome. Playing online reduces the investment it requires and allows for a game of a few hours. It also removes some of the tension that I have during a physical game: where in an online game I tend to go more experimental and am more likely to try something new, I do not quickly dare that in a real life game in case it results in a premature game over.
Why this forum? I do not really play by forum a lot. If I do, it is with the the lovely chaps I play with right now. We have done quite some play-by-mails in the past, and only incidentally I use this forum with them. The upside is that it allows you to play with other players for once. The downside of this format is that I can stare at the map for hours - as nobody urges me to hurry up…
As for my move: I will try to find some time for some war between all the Christmas stuff that is going on here.
Happy holidays!
RE: AA50 Crockett vs. LMF
@crockett36 Edited the great German fleet after I completely missed them (they were hiding under water, can you believe that?)
RE: NL (X) vs The_Good_Captain (L)
@The_Good_Captain Thanks for the crash course. I remember having a discussion a few years ago about this situation and I do not remember the outcome at that moment. Will not forget this again
RE: AA50 Crockett vs. LMF
I might check the youtube one out. Always curious to see how a realtivelt new player approaches the map.You could’ve responded in the original tournament topic, but I think that is not necessary anymore.
RE: The Good Captain (Allies) vs. Leiderhosen / hansworst (Axis) - Anniversary '41, no bid
@The_Good_Captain AA from Germany is supposed to be in Poland. Can we edit that? I forgot to move it.
RE: AA50 Crockett vs. LMF
It is actually still going on! Due to some holidays and work trips there was a lull in the game for about a month or two, but now we are back in a roughly 3-day rhythm.I am not sure what to make of the game at the moment. Never played an opponent that plays like Andrew, so I am unsure what the long game will bring. Axis is under pressure but has economic advancements, so I will see that as a positive.
If you are interested, the game is played in forum topic 39237
RE: TGC (axis) vs Ozy, LH, and HW (allies) AnA Anniversary '41, no bid
Sorry for the delay. Had some busy days and the game completely slipped my mind.
Ready to go again :)
RE: AA50 AndrewAAGamer vs. LederhosenMachtrFrei
I wasn’t actually aware the forum supported a dice bot. That would’ve saved me like 20 minutes of thinking how I can do this in an honest way.
Will use that for any future bombing raids