pacifiersboard (X) -vs- elche (L +43) OOB (2023 playoff)
pacifiersboard wins
Sorry for delay and Congratulations to ABH for being Champion.
pacifiersboard (X) -vs- elche (L +43) OOB (2023 playoff)
pacifiersboard wins
Sorry for delay and Congratulations to ABH for being Champion.
No problem with the break. I will wait till you will go on. Good luck and all good wishes for you.
Your friend elche
I give up. I surrender.
Very good play from you.
I hope I have learned a lot.
3 times to loose the us fleet was too much.
and big mistake in Australia.
With usa I played really bad.
I hope for revanche
Best regrets
I think my fig and AAguners fight next time in sibiria. I hate the bomber taktik and need myselfs a lot of vodka. Japan 38261-4rus.tsvg
Germany. The french inf is on the us transp. 38261-12anz.tsvg 38261-12fre.tsvg
Glückwunsch zum Sieg.
Auf ein neues, viel Glück und Spaß
Sorry, I changed my buy. Instead 2 tank 2 sub. Change back, if not okay. 38541_3ger.tsvg
Hello my friend,
I think there isnt an advantage for me. I play online with new rules and this was like a new game.
Its my first game with the new rules is still running and our game is second.
I play now with no retreat for planes by amph attack.
No probem, you can edit your buy in N/B with USA. Intercept in Egypt ? Is there intercept without airport ?38541_7(ita).tsvg
I played max. 10 games classic in the last 10 years but 4 games in the last 6 month but with different rules.
The biggest difference is, I never played with the economical victory.
But its much easier than BM or OOB and PtV and much faster and funny.
If you attack the sub with planes and is no hit you can evade in a neighbour sz with no enemy ships. you cannot fire on the planes but you can use the sub as casuality in a battle.
Is for me although a long time ago, 30 years, I played it first time and we played much more than now.