• i’ve played pacific about 5 times now, but the game always seems to end in the exact same way. Japan gets the 4VP’s a turn by turn 2, and they win by turn 6. By this time, the US has built a huge fleet, but on offense it is about the same or weaker as the japanese armada on defense that they have stacked in the sea of Japan. Even if the US does win the naval battle, the men and artillery for the amphibious assault cannot beat the 15+ infantry and several fighters japan has built up the past few turns awaiting the invasion. India and china prevail on the mainland, but that makes no difference at all, as japan evactuates those troops onto their transports which then drop them off in Japanese occupied IPC rich islands to remain on defense to stop the invading Aussies. basically, Japan wins the naval battle in the Japan sea, and the British effort to take back the IPC rich islands fails beacuse they don’t have enough men. Can someone please help me figure out some way the allies can possibly win?

  • Yanny, can you move this? I can’t.

  • hey, why do u want to move away my question? i want you to answer it, not ignore it

  • i’d answer it if i had the experience.
    Also your question has more chance of being answered in the correct forum. In the forum you had posted the question, there was a smaller chance of AAP afficionados reading and posting.
    I hope this answers your question.

  • i played the game again, this time we took away the chance of VP winning. Japan still won big, crushing India with everything they had. India bought all infantry and we gave almost all of englands $ to help them as well, but japan attacked with 23 infantry, 14 fighters, 4 bombers, 5 artillery, 3 bb’s bombarding, 2 destroyers bombarding, and 2 tanks, and the most india could muster was about 20 infantry and the american fighter, the original indian fighter, and the fighter from the British carrier. There has to be SOME way the allies can win. plz help!

  • Don’t build a fleet with America. I know this sounds stupid, but its not. If America pumps out just bombers and fighters, rush the Japanesse Armada, even with realativly bad rolls, the Japanesse fleet is cripiled beyond repair, and the UK fleet is free to run around. Then, with the US bomber left from the battle (or new ones bought) you bomb Japan like a madman and drop their VP’s to zero. You never need to attack Japan amphibiously so you never have to worry about Kamikazies. The UK gets all the time they need, and with a huge US AirForce in control of the skies above Japan and The Sea of Japan, they can take their time picking off the islands untill Japan has a 9 or less income and they lose.

  • thnx alot for the info rommel, i’ll try that next time i play

  • Hi!

    I can’t help but think that you have ,isunderstood the victory conditions when you say that Japan still won without the possibility of an IPC victory.

    Japan needs both Australia AND India OR to have the USA and then hold these (this) capital for a full turn to win. I have never seen Japan get both India and Australia except from a very inexperienced/unlucky player.


  • You only need one Capital to win, excluding Szechwan.

  • Agree with the latter statement.

  • even if the U.S builds all bombers, it doesn’t matter beacuse Japan still wins by taking India on turn 4. Even if the US strategic bombs the crap outta Japan and takes away all their VP’s, There’s no way that any of the allies can either take Japan or take back India. This game is way heavily slanted towards Japan, thats why i always play Europe. I’ve been thinking about ways to combine AAP & AAP, and for the axis to win they have to take 2 capitals (getting the VP’S win for Japan counts as a capital) and The allies have to take Germany and Japan. Tell me what you think about this setup

  • iran would hook into india and siberia would hook into northern china too. maybe there would be a panama canal so pacific units could get the atalntic. These are kinda the basic rules i’ve thought of. Plz tell me if you have any rules you can think of

  • even if the U.S builds all bombers, it doesn’t matter beacuse Japan still wins by taking India on turn 4. Even if the US strategic bombs the crap outta Japan and takes away all their VP’s, There’s no way that any of the allies can either take Japan or take back India. This game is way heavily slanted towards Japan, thats why i always play Europe. I’ve been thinking about ways to combine AAP & AAP, and for the axis to win they have to take 2 capitals (getting the VP’S win for Japan counts as a capital) and The allies have to take Germany and Japan. Tell me what you think about this setup

    That’s why you knock out the fleet with your air first, so Japan can’t get anything on land. Read my ENTIRE post.

  • but their fleet is over by india. The US has no islands that their bombers can fly to and attack japan’s fleet with and then land on. japan has already occupied all the islands that bombers could reach their fleet with by turn 2,3 or 4 or whatever

  • besides even if the US can attck japan’s fleet they just puts hits on the bb’s (which get repaired so the hits are useless) and maybe a destroyer if they have to

  • but what do you think about the combining boards idea?

  • whoohoo i finally got a name now! :D anyways how does that idea about combining boards sound

  • If you send some of the ships that take japans carrier fleet via anchors to N. Austrailia and consolidate with the Brownies, there is a somewhat sizeable flotilla lurking around the important areas of interest for Japan. If you keep a few boats at Pearl and place your purchase there, there will be another sizeable squad. This crew can then head towards Japan/Phillipeans. You box in the Japaneese, US to the northeast and combined with the Brownies around Austrailia and the B.S. and carrier combo to the west. This will force the Japaneese to engage at multiple locations and times weakening and open to the U.S. third wave.

  • The Americans can land on British Islands, or they can land in China/India if they must. It is entirly possible. Also, the most BB’s I’ve seen in one Japanesse fleet is 4. With 6 ftrs and 4 bmrs, thats about 5 or 6 hits. That’s death right off the bat. So you’ve already begun to hit the fleet on the first round. Not to mention it’s a suiside attack (considering the 70 US income) so you’ll have more hits. The fleet just gets hit too hard. And if it isn’t, do it again.

    There are uncountable British islands you can hop around on in that game and pick off Japanesse ships. And I have a question. Did you TRY this startegy or are you just speculating. 'Cause I’ve had it done to me and it works.

  • by the time you can actually bomb japan’s fleet over on the far west side of the board w/ american/british bombers(approx. turn3) japan is just about to win on the next turn anyway, so they lose hits on 3 or 4bb’s and maybe lose 1 or 2 destroyers. the next turn japan invades india, so there are no other chances for the allied airplanes to attack again on the japanese fleet.

    and about the idea of consolidating britain’s fleet down by australia, i’ve tried this before and it doesn’t work. i even tried bringing an american carrier w/ 2 planes in to reinforce it, but japan attcks w/ the whole navy + like 10 fighters and both bombers. hits on the bb’s, maybe losing a few subs and MAYBE a destroyer. and how exactly would america be able to get 6 fighters and 4 bombers over to the japanese fleet on turn 1?! (the 3 carriers i take as far away from hawaii as i can, the fighters attack pearl, and then land back on the carriers 3 spaces away from hawaii. the only thing that can attack my 3 carriers, 6 planes, and 1 or 2 destroyers are 1 bomber, maybe a fighter as well) on the second japanese turn i fly the 6 planes to formosa or frenchindochina or whereever they can reach, and i delay the US fleet from getting to japan until turn 4 by using CAP’s and subs. i am almost convinced that japan is invincible when you take everything you possibly can to india (and clear up the british navy on the way)+ take everything you possibly can from china too, w/out the entire front collapsing. You attack on turn 4 w/ approx. 18 men, 3 tanks, 13 or 14 fighters, 2 or 3 bombers, at least 3 or 4 artillery, and you bombard w/ 3 or 4 bb’s and w/ however many destroyers you have left. the most india can muster is about 20 men (even if china senda men down to help)

    and yes, i have tried(or had tried against me)several times all the startegies i am talking about. how else would i know if these things work or not?

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