• Absolutely incredible!!!
    I think it might well have outdone the Fellowship of the Ring. The scenes and sets, the action and dialogue was all wonderful. The interpretation was mindful of the intent of the story, the battles were glorious and ugly. The showcasing of good vs. evil was poignant in all respects.
    And WOW . . . .
    glad i saw it tonight. Might see it again soon (theaters are sold out here until next friday . . . ).

  • Agreed

    The showcasing of good vs. evil was poignant in all respects.

    It’s fantasy.

  • I hope it waws better than the last one :-?

  • I think it was better.

    …but if i remember right there was’nt that story with Arwen.

  • Note, I will delete any posts with spoilers in it… that said…

    What a movie. The Battle at Helms deep was done incredibly well. Legolas kicked ass.

  • always liked Legolas. In the book he seemed a little more “carefree”, and Elrond didn’t seem like such a jerk, but i’m still happy.
    And FS - i almost added a p.s. to my post (p.s. "FinsterniS - don’t see this movie - it has a dichotomy of good versus evil and they may have portrayed the wrong side as being “evil”)

  • For crying out loud, it’s just a movie! :P

    …but if i remember right there was’nt that story with Arwen.

    There wasn’t. But who would pass up a chance to insert a Love Story into every movie epic? :wink:

  • I think the first was slightly better because of the build up. i saw it the day it came out. Gimli was much more humouros. The ents were awesome!!

  • @TG:

    For crying out loud, it’s just a movie! :P

    …but if i remember right there was’nt that story with Arwen.

    There wasn’t. But who would pass up a chance to insert a Love Story into every movie epic? :wink:

    it is “just a movie” - but for someone who grew up with a series of books that had a greater impact on my sad, pathetic life than jr. high (i’m much better now, thank you), then it is a movie with some meaning, and a whole lotta’ rush.
    Look at it this way. Where would TSR be without Tolkien? He generated generations of nerds.
    The movie is important because it is the first REAL response to the trilogy. If it sucked or missed the point, then it would be “just a movie”. As it is it took a lot of my boyhood fantasies and painted them in color and majesty.

    Also i think it (the love interest) was more of a chance to showcase Liv “thank god i’m not as ugly as my old man” Tyler’s “talents”.

  • Also i think it (the love interest) was more of a chance to showcase Liv “thank god i’m not as ugly as my old man” Tyler’s “talents”.

    How does the common Hollywood saying go? Oh yeah, “A Movie has never lost money underestimating the intelligence of the audience.” :wink:

  • Lol :D . Now that i think about it thats very true.

  • they directors mentioned why they put Arwin into the Story in the Special Edition Fellowship of the Ring DvD. but to be honest i didnt read the books at all ( im a slow reader) but i liked the Romance part very well. i think the only reason people criticize it so much is because it wasnt in the books. but imo im happy they put it in the story :)

  • Arwen was just a footnote in the series. But, to get more female interesting in the movie, they added her in.

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