• On normal long games who usually ends up winning the game: the axis or the allies?  By long I’m going to say 8 turns+, if you wish to debate the turn number I set please feel free to do so.  And by normal, I mean a game in which there has not been EXTRAORDINARY game breaking luck, or an EXTRAORDINARY oversight by a side.

    Examples of each: Germany attacks Moscow with 30 Tanks, Moscow has 20 INF for defense and Moscow wins the battle leaving Germany crippled.  Or the US or Japan don’t notice a lone transport that hits their capital, things of that nature.

    If you happen to notice why you think a longer game tends to favour 1 side over the other feel free to state why.

    This post assumes no one is playing stubborn as well.  For example: if moscow falls, and the Axis are all alive, kicking, and doing fine I would consider that a game over.

  • @dondoolee:



    While time being on the Allies side I agree is debatable, how many times have you played an 8+ turn game while the Allies lost (other than some MAJOR flukey dice, or a MAJOR oversite)?

    I can’t say that I have a great deal of experience here, but the Axis have won every game that I have played that went past 8 rounds. I have another one going that is in it’s 9th round, and it is still a toss up.

    Now, I’ve also had some games that went less than 8 rounds in which the Axis lost (or more correctly, conceded), but that was generally due to a careless error or horrible dice in the early rounds.

    The key factor in each of the Axis victories was Japan. It seems to take 7-8 rounds until Japan can build up its forces and get them to the doorstep of an Allied capital. If Germany and Italy can hold out that long, then Japan becomes very difficult to stop.

    That being said, individual mileage may vary.

    Interesting, I wonder how common that is.  This is a bit off topic, so I think I will create a new thread.

  • We’ve played 2 games so far.
    Both were 10hrs and both were declared a draw.
    The last one was going well for the Axis until USA managed to take, and hold Italy.
    However, Russia was most likely going to fall next turn. It was 3am and none of us could really think straight so we called it a draw.

  • crazy.  I love long games, but they’re so taxing.  Alas, if only we were immortals.

  • I think that longer games (played with NO’s) definitely favor the axis. After many turns japan and germany typically are earning way more ipc’s than the allies and it’s hard to keep up with that for long.

  • For me it depends, I have had games go either way. I had a game that was still undecided by round 13.

  • Typically the longer the game goes on, the better off the axis are as they can bring pressure to Russia much easier than the allies can bring reinforcements to Russia.

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