• '10

    Hey IL.  Thanks for taking some time to implement some changes.  I’ll download and check out the new map tonight.

    one thing that does not make sence is to align the two sides of USA for wraparound because nobody needs this.

    Yeah, this isn’t all that important since there is plenty of space in the territories.  I just thought it was strange that they weren’t initially lined up.

    The border idea to me is a waste of money because it costs on average $10 bucks a sq foot for printing and that adds up to wasted space printed. If you really want a nice border i can easily make one just for you.

    I was thinking that it would be easy enough to shrink the map by 5% (or less) so that adding a border would still leave the surface area the same size.  I don’t know much about these type of graphics so I’m unsure if it as simple as I thought it might be.  Again, having a border isn’t all that important anyway, it’s just that after playing on Bionic Donkeys AAR board (which has a border) I thought it would make the map look neater.

    The Washington font is smaller because where it was didnt look correct with the larger font sitting in the ocean. The names of places are essentially in the same places as the map to keep it similar enough to be comfortable.

    Fair enough.

    I got no fewer than 10 emails saying how much people love SPECIFICALLY the picture in the Sahara. I think it was strange to hear that, but ill take it as a measure to just leave that thing alone.

    I think you misunderstood what I meant in regard to the pic.  I like the pic too.  What I was saying is that the word ‘Sahara’ was placed first, then the pic was placed over the top of it (half of it, anyway). This means that the word ‘Sahara’  doesn’t look clean.  You can kind of see it in the pic I posted, but I’ll get another closer pic to show you what I mean.  The other thing I mentioned about the pic was that the edges should fade in (even just a few millimetres), but that is of course up to you.

    lastly, i am surprised you didn’t mention that i NAMED: Sicily, Sardinia, Ceylon and Corsica, but i refuse to treat my Italian and Indian friends with such disdain. I will never make any map that would not bother to name such important areas.  Malta should be on the map as well. It was HUGE to the allies!

    Yep, I really like what you did with naming the islands.  The reason I didn’t have that on my list is ‘cause my list was of thing I thought should be changed. :wink:

    Thanks for scrutinizing the map. I know it took alot of time for you to make it so complete, which is part of the reason why i went back to make changes.

    Thank you for making the map, and a big thank you for taking what I wrote into account and making changes you were comfortable with.


  • I was thinking that it would be easy enough to shrink the map by 5% (or less) so that adding a border would still leave the surface area the same size.  I don’t know much about these type of graphics so I’m unsure if it as simple as I thought it might be.  Again, having a border isn’t all that important anyway, it’s just that after playing on Bionic Donkeys AAR board (which has a border) I thought it would make the map look neater.

    Yes i can do this, but your paying extra for wasted space that does not aid play. I can still make any border you like just for you, but i think the additional professional appeal may be less desirable than maximum playing surface.

    Also , i moved Sahara and if its not right i can move it or change it.

    Im sorry you printed out a less than perfect map, but at least i got it better for the next guy.

  • '10


    Im sorry you printed out a less than perfect map,

    No, don’t be sorry mate.  I’m happy with the map I have and am glad you put in the effort to give it to the public.

    but at least i got it better for the next guy.

    Yep, that is the reason I compiled the list.  Thanks again!  :-)

  • Good sir I am in awe of you work, this is mighty

    Afro for you as you are that cool :mrgreen:

  • @Sime:


    Im sorry you printed out a less than perfect map,

    No, don’t be sorry mate.  I’m happy with the map I have and am glad you put in the effort to give it to the public.

    but at least i got it better for the next guy.

    Yep, that is the reason I compiled the list.  Thanks again!  :-)

    I second this post.

    Thanks for your efforts IL.  Your passion for the game is pretty much unparalleled.  I am looking forwards to blasting through a print cartridge (or two) to make my map.

  • ok thanks!

  • IL

    just how may hours did you spend on making the map?

    Man, it is something else to behold.

    Are you a cartographer by trade?

  • @Shakespeare:


    Are you a cartographer by trade?

    Nooo, I think he is a …leader…? of some kind ?

  • no i play badminton by trade.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Anyway you can email me a JPG or BMP of your map to isfcco@hotmail.com, IL?

    Or, failing that, just the purty pictures in the Oceans?  Love to incorporate them into the AA-1941/1942 maps for Battlemap!

    BTW, looking for good images to replace the tiles for Battlemap too, something pretty that I can copy/shrink/paste onto the tiles. :)

  • I cant compress the PDF to a BMP or Jpeg. Illustrator cuts that off at about 11MB.

    Just get the link and try to get it done on your own. i have tried everything

    also im working on something special with it to add a border and all the player aids on the side. If you want a print copy wait till its done so you have a better choice. This final version of the OOB map will be the best ever.

  • ok here is the new file with border and charts. ( 84MB)

    80 x 37.5 inches PDF format.


  • @Cmdr:

    Anyway you can email me a JPG or BMP of your map to isfcco@hotmail.com, IL?


    I cant compress the PDF to a BMP or Jpeg. Illustrator cuts that off at about 11MB.


    ok here is the new file with border and charts. ( 84MB)
    80 x 37.5 inches PDF format.

    I know what you mean, Imperious Leader - I’ve had Illustrator fail on me when trying to export a large vector image to JPG.  Instead, I tried letting Photoshop import your PDF map and, while it took a while, it eventually worked.  Thus I was able to save it as a JPG (I used to work in the graphics department of a print/copy shop, so I have a pathological need for format-conversion tasks to succeed :)).

    Here is a 150 dpi JPG (7 megs zipped) of that (I’ve also emailed it to you, Cmdr Jennifer), though if you can load IL’s PDF, you’ll get better results.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Thanks Luma.

    D/Ling it now

  • @Imperious:

    ok here is the new file with border and charts. ( 84MB)

    80 x 37.5 inches PDF format.


    What would yield a better map printout?
    Rezie your PDF using photo shop to my needed map size of 28 by 48.5 inches or have you make one for me this size and then create the PDF version?

    The charts are nice but I would prefer them to not be on the map.
    Do you have the National Objective portion seperate?

    Thanks Captain Map!

  • I can re size the map to that configuration, but i think ytou want it in PNG or PDF format because Jpeg ruins artwork that is vector and turns it into raster craper.

    file coming up shortly

  • hold on… why do you want the map that size? the whole point is to have a larger map and you want a map thats the same size as the OOB map?  you sure?

  • @Imperious:

    hold on… why do you want the map that size? the whole point is to have a larger map and you want a map thats the same size as the OOB map?  you sure?

    well actually the original map size (OOB) is 23 3/8 by 45 inches. (just measured it)

    The 28 by 45.5 inches was the size of the Gamers Paradise map for Classic.
    I built a board around this map (map is under glass)

    When revised came out, I scanned and resized and printed my own map to match that size.

    You have created a such a beautiful map that I couldn’t surpass it, so I will just print yours the proper size.

    Thanks for your efforts.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Is it possible to resize the map through Acrobat?  (Sorry, I’m an Adobe newb, at least I have the full paid version of CS 3)

    For that matter, can the file be opened in Photoshop and resized and changed to a different file type from there?

    (Trying to figure out a way to make it the size Battlemap needs since it’s such a beautiful map and I think it would go far in improving the look of Battlemap.)

  • you can resize it with CS3, just create a new file and place the artwork and stretch it.

    Here is the 48.5x28 file  The text seems ok, but the contortion of the land mass is noticable because the left/right axis is truncated relative to the original file.


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