What was the luckiest/unluckiest roll you've ever experienced?

  • Official Q&A


    mmm … have you burnt the USA miniatures and threw away the dice?

    I once saw a fellow take his dice out to the garage and crush them in a vice after a particularly bad game.  :-o :-o

  • My friend and I were playing the Allies and we amphib’d France with 4 ground troops and 4 figs; Germany rolled 4 “1’s” for anti-aircraft.  Not as bad as some of the others on this thread, but sickening none the less!

  • In 41 JohnBarbarossa tried to SBR me (Germany) with 3 Heavy bombers of the USA. Unfortunately he got a triple one in his eyes and did zap damage.

    Note: A round earlier I also shot down a bomber on a SBR run.  :-D

  • I recently came a cross this one in the AAE boards.

    This player was Germany and put every thing that would reach to London and beat the game on G1.


    I was very impressed with that one.


  • @captainjack:

    My friend and I were playing the Allies and we amphib’d France with 4 ground troops and 4 figs; Germany rolled 4 “1’s” for anti-aircraft.  Not as bad as some of the others on this thread, but sickening none the less!

    Same happened to me when I attacked Japan. I had 4 inf. 3 fighters vs. 4 inf…The Japan player shot down all three fighters but i still won with 4 vs 4…luck went both ways

  • 2007 AAR League

    i just do not trust these odds calculators……ive played a lot of games here online and you would not believe how many battles turn out in the less than 5% category of chances.

    especially large battles, when running a sim the odds may show one thing but its really the results of round 1 that totally determine the odds of the rest of the battle

  • @tcnance:

    i just do not trust these odds calculators……ive played a lot of games here online and you would not believe how many battles turn out in the less than 5% category of chances.

    especially large battles, when running a sim the odds may show one thing but its really the results of round 1 that totally determine the odds of the rest of the battle

    One out of twenty of those battles, actually  :wink: :wink:

    You are right about large battles though, the first round of combat is what decides the outcome usually.

  • yesterday i was playing in the '41 scenario with a few friends, i was plying as Japan. First turn I send 3 Infantry, 1 artillery, and several warships into the Philippines, and i lost…… everything :cry:

  • I actually have had the absolute worst dice and the absolute best dice of my hundreds of FTF games occur in the same battle.

    A friend and I were new (insanely stupid new in fact) to A&A and playing the MB edition.  I was Germany and attacking Karelia late in the game.  This was one of the bloody huge 30+ units on each side type of fights.  The kind that determine the outcome of the game as I recall.  Out of my 30+ units, 12 were fighters.  His aa gun shot 11 out of 12 down!  At that point, he had taken out the vast majority of my firepower and I was down about 10 units on him.  Then the dice turned the other way once the battle started and I crushed him.  He had me out pipped by 3x-4x yet in all the rounds of battle, he only had four or five hits in defense on me.

    The odds of losing 11 of 12 fighters to aa fire must be like winning the PowerBall lottery.  The odds of me then winning the subsequent fight also by a crushing landslide must have been like winning the Powerball three times.

    Come to think of it, maybe winning that battle is why my luck has been so poor ever since…naaaaa


  • In classic, while playing the Axis I got three out of 3 hits with my AA gun on American bombers doing an SBR.  thats 216 to 1.  Pretty darn lucky.

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