• How does everyone play with the 2-hit BB’s? My friends and I are at a disagreement when we play. Although I don’t think there is one “right” way to play I was wondering what seems to work the best in the long run.

    Option 1: BB takes 2 hits to kill. After 1st hit BB gets put on its side and can only attack and defend at 2. Cost $12 to repair to full and only at IC.

    Option 2: BB takes 2 hits but can “absorb” 1st hit. Still attacks/defends @ 4 even after 1st hit and repairs after battle at no cost.

    Option 3: Argue a lot and drink more beer.

    It’s possible to mix these options. Maybe a combination of the two like the BB attacks/defends @ 2 but repairs itself after battle at no cost or whatever. And I would caution mixing beer with any of the options however this is usually what happens with us.

    A second question. Let’s say you have the Japanese fleet at Pearl and you want to amphibious assault Panama (2 spaces away), however there is a pesky little TRN in the way in the Mexican SZ 1 space away. Can you clear the water with the BB’s and then move through with your Trannies to assault Panama even though it is 2 spaces away??? Or can you use 1 BB on the TRN and use the other to move 2 spaces and take a pot shot at Panama with your trannies?? Or do all ships have to stop in the Mexican SZ because that is where the battle is taking place.

    Obviously, this wouldn’t even be an issue if there were no BB’s but because they are there I thought you might be able to pull this off.

    Once again, thanks in advance. Happy drinking.

  • i hope i understand you clearly . . .

    1. i believe that the A&AE/P has your option #1, however i like #2 mixed with #3 (without the arguing).
    2. I believe that you are screwed until the round AFTER that trn is cleared. Landing on Pan and killing the trn are both combat moves, so you have to move all units into the zone, kill the trn, then the next turn’s combat move you can land on Pan. This is a pain, 'cuz i’d love to just kill the trn w/ ftrs and then land troops on Pan, however the offensive on Pan is considered a combat move, therefore you have to wait.

  • I’m pretty sure that the battle ship can kill the transport then you can land troops in pannama in the same turn just that if the
    battleship has battled then it can’t do shore bommarding

  • battleship has battled then it can’t do shore bommarding

    That is correct.

    Option 1: BB takes 2 hits to kill. After 1st hit BB gets put on its side and can only attack and defend at 2. Cost $12 to repair to full and only at IC.

    Usually I go for that option. :)

  • @Wasz:

    Can you clear the water with the BB’s and then move through with your Trannies…

    Any move into an enemy occupied territory or sea zone is a combat movement. For naval units, this means you have to stop in that sea zone and cannot move any units to an adjacent the sea zone.

    If the enemy occupied sea zone is adjacent to the land territory you want to attack, you can also conduct an amphibious assault after the sea zone has been cleared. Check the rules for more details on amphibious assaults when you are also clearing the sea zone as things can get tricky.

  • Online with the CD game, Rule #2 is used but there is no repair.

  • I don’t know… repairing ships can lead to some interesting events. :)
    One was the infamous “Bismark” campaign, where the German BB in the Med SZ starting wrecking havok on Allied sea lanes and then limped back to port while being strafed by enemy subs and ftrs. Good times. :)

  • but if only there was a sea zone in the center of the atlantic.

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