AXIS & ALLIES DICE - Field Marshal Games

  • '10


    Thanks for your reply as well.

    Another modification you might consider since you are making these from scratch …

    Could the “pips” be small stars, and could the five pip side have the stars arranged in the circle as they appear on a five-star generals insignia?

    I figure you could help everyone by offering a special “expansion” set of dice with the three new countries.  Folks that only want them for AAR, or AAE could buy the “basic set” and folks that want to play AA50 could buy both sets.

    I am glad you recognized my thoughts that although my idea has aesthetic merit, it doesn’t cut the economic mustard.

    We have made sets on our site for each AAA game, if you get the COMPLETE set you can use for all your games.  Once we have sold enough of these sets to meet our investment we will do the ITALY, CHINA and other dice on our next production run.

    For AAA specific dice sets visit:


  • what? you got them before me? How dare you!

  • I want to buy a dice tower from you. I will pimp it up with decals and use for my games. PM me or email.

    Christmas is coming and AA50 is Christmas in November.

  • Customizer

    FieldMarshal The Dice look great. You mentioned above that you have currently designed dice for italy, china, and france. I understand that these dice are not in production yet.

    When do you expect to put them into production?
    Do you have any photos of prototype dice yet? If not some description would be nice.
    Are they based on AA50 meaning brown italy and light green china with the “one” side decals matching the aa50 control markers for italy and china?
    Im assuming france is blue, is that correct?

    Any details or photos would be appreciated.
    I look forward to purchasing these dice in a complete AA50 set!

  • Ok i got them today, so order Oct 16- arrive Oct 31.

    I have to say these are more than nice. The dice have a glossy finish to them and are much better quality than normal d6.

    The really nice thing is the decals are actually embossed on the die, its not some decal that some bloke stuck on the pip that says ‘one’. The one pip side is perfectly flat and the decal is spot on center. These are top quality!

    I guarantee this. order a set for the AA50, so you can be pimp your game.

    This is something that should have come out a long time ago. WOTC could not make better dice if they tried.

    I will definatly order Italy and frenchy

  • Ok I’ve ordered three sets based on your recommendation!

    But what I really want to know is how big are the dice?  I know they are smaller than a standard die but are they bigger than the dice you get in “bricks” of 36?  Do you know what I mean?

    I could just wait for my dice to show up but…… I’ve already had to wait for AA50… ya WoTC is their own worst enemy - that company is something else.

  • They are the size of the milton bradley dice except the finish is glossy and the pips are very bright…like high quality dice should be.

    I will order anything else they make for AA.

  • Awesome!  Thanks.

  • Just ordered my set. Hopefully gets here by the 18th!

  • You will be happy. Also forgot to mention it comes with a black velvet cloth bag.

    I want them to make a national token set on wooden disks that are painted. Nice and thick would be great.

    Other idea is a dice tower and scoresheet for AA

  • '10


    FieldMarshal The Dice look great. You mentioned above that you have currently designed dice for italy, china, and france. I understand that these dice are not in production yet.

    When do you expect to put them into production?
    Do you have any photos of prototype dice yet? If not some description would be nice.
    Are they based on AA50 meaning brown italy and light green china with the “one” side decals matching the aa50 control markers for italy and china?
    Im assuming france is blue, is that correct?

    Any details or photos would be appreciated.
    I look forward to purchasing these dice in a complete AA50 set!

    Thank you for your Question!  As mentioned above we had these on the drawing board before AA50 was announced and production started before details of ITALY and CHINA were released.  We are planing to produce the ITALY, CHINA and possibly more (France, Canada, ANZAC etc…) in the future though this is probably a while off as we are still paying for the large investment these dice required to produce.  As we are a small company made up of AAA and Board game players, we are just as eager to see these as everyone else (This is our #1 inquire question) but production of anything of this quality in large QTY is lengthy and expensive.  We will begin when we break even on the existing COMBAT DICE project.  (So please order away!  :-D)  We will offer these expansion dice to our existing customers at a discounted price once they are available so each player can complete their COMBAT DICE set.

    We have begun to design these new COMBAT DICE however and we will post details in another thread at the appropriate time.  We value the input of other AAA fans and we hope you will all take part in the design process and polls we will post on the colours and designs.

    Don’t worry…  I will keep you all posted on upcoming AAA projects for your input BEFORE they go to production.

  • OK I just wanted to put my review of these dice up here too -

    It took them 6 days to reach me - it looks like they were shipped from Buffalo NY and I’m in Duluth MN so you west coasters add a few more days.

    The dice are just as Imperial Leader says - very high quality.  They are full size, glossy and with very, very good color that should match the pieces nicely.

    The dice bag is a nice touch.

    I did think the price was a bit steep but I still bought 3 sets……

    Overall they are:

    Highly recomended!  A cool addition to any Axis & Allies board game.

  • I second that! Excellent dice! I am glad I got them!

  • yes they kick ass. Its a no brainer. Everybody has got to get AA50 and these dice to complete the look.

    pimp it!

  • Hey everyone, thoes426 here it’s been a long long time since my last posting here, heck i even had to create a new screen name just to post again! :roll:

    I ordered a set of these dice too based on Imp. Leaders recommendation and as always he’s dead on with his assesment of them, they are great and a must have for anyone claiming to be a Axis and Allies fan.

    Can’t wait for the Italian, French and Chinnese dice to be produced!


  • Peter:

    what are you doing? YOU need to be here each night. Alot of information is exchanged here and your input is needed.

    Your like the godfather of old school AA folklore.

  • Imp. Leader-
    I finaly took a vacation, i’ve been working 7 days a week for the last 13 months and decided to take off and relax.
    Going to meet AxisNdallas(Aaron) on Wednesday to go to a gaming convention in Austin and get in some games of A&A whatever! :-D
    I’ll try my best to check in at least once a week from here on out and try to not be such a recluse.
    p.s. thanks for all your personal e-mails over the years, you’ve really been to kind with your sharing of information and game ideas!

    I hope one day myself and Aaron can come see you and get in a game or two.
    take care,
    Peter aka Thoes426, pthoes426, etc. :-P

  • ok take care. Have Aaron show you his new 7,000 plane collection in AA scale.

  • '10

    Ok, Here is another picture for you all to enjoy!


    I had so much fun setting up these pictures…

  • A few sets of these are atop my wishlist this year. I will hopefully be ordering soon enough. Thanks for keeping us informed :-)

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