• I do not think September 11th was overrated to those who hath fallen… :cry:

  • Hmph, well said if I say so myself.

  • over rated in the media attention it got…

  • If your refering to a reporter sticking a camera in a fireman’s face after he was just rescued after being buried alive for 3 days, I’ll agree news agencies sometimes need to back off and use some common sense…

  • Yeah, I can probably agree with some of that (esp. the stuff that FOX did as I mentioned).

  • no in the media attention it got for the amount of people that died

  • nope. Not yet.
    not in the volume.
    This wasn’t some little blip - some little accident. This was an act of war, and the destruction of thousands of ordinary people by evil forces.
    If this was a battle where this happened, we would have grief for a while, but other news events and battles would eventually overwhelm it. This is different. Everyone who died was a non-combattant, and many died heroes - trying to save the lives of others. Each person who died is, has, and leaves behind many stories. You can’t capture the ethos inherent to the event in a few weeks or even years.
    Compound these events with the security measures that it inspired, the massive manhunts and conflict in Afghanistan, and the event seems even greater, if only because of the media spin-offs.
    There’s too much there for it to “just die already!”.

  • well put. 8)

  • it was not an act of war.
    it was terrisam.
    lots of non-combatants died in afganastan.
    the conflict in afganistan was inspiered because of the attenchan it got.
    lots of non-cobatants that died in afganistan had stories to.

  • @GeZe:

    it was not an act of war.
    it was terrisam.

    it was both.

    lots of non-combatants died in afganastan…

    true. and so did lots of combatants. Just b/c the gov’t of Afghanistan did not formally declare war on the US, they might as well have for their actions, as well as lack of actions.

    the conflict in afganistan was inspiered because of the attenchan it got.
    lots of non-cobatants that died in afganistan had stories to.

    true - another reason for all of the 9/11 hype. we’ve had more than a few articles of various “accidents” by allied (read: American) forces in Afghanistan

  • At least, there weren’t any coverups then. :)

    To be killed by friendly fire… that’s one of the worst ways to die as a soldier on the field.

  • ya an american bomber killed 4 canadians :evil:

  • Yea, we went over that before. Poor Canucks. :(

  • US pilot facing mansloter

  • Doubtful he will get convicted.

  • ya the victoms familys just want him fired

  • i’m just happy that the US is making a stink about it. Sure they were idiots, and they shouldn’t fly again,
    but they were over-eager, not trying to kill allies.
    just so long as the next ones are more careful

  • Friendly fire happened a lot more often in the Desert Storm, and weren’t reported as much. So this is more of a way of asking for forgiveness.

  • ya Ive seen videos on CNN of th US troops hitting US troops.

  • Yeah, they even made a movie of it once. I can’t remember the name but it was based on a tank commander(?) [Denzel Washington?] opening fire on his own men during the intense night battles of Desert Storm.

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