I will double check how come my friend (well also my opponent) manages to kill my battleship in the first turn all the time.
Do you move the Russian sub to link with the Z2 navy? That decreases the chances from 70% to 35%
The british counter attack against Egypt in the first UK-round is possible with 3 inf, 1 fgt, 1 bmb (no more units can participate in this battle).
Simple question: If you take the bomber into the EGY-battle, where should it land? It seems to me a high risk to loose the bomber later because there is no good space to land the bomber who already travelled 5 spaces from GBR to EGY.
How do you decide? Do you take the bmb to EGY-counter and if yes where do you land the bomber?
I usually do the counter attack only if Germany is enough weakened and I use only 3 inf and thew fig from the AC.
So I do not use the bomber in countering in AE.
Because the Germans have a fighter and a bomber within range of the UK bomber I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.(Etheopia). This way the bomber can help the Indian army to attack French Indo China on UK2. :wink:
Because the Germans have a fighter ansd a bomber withih rage of the UK bomber I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.(Etheopia). This way the bomber can help the Indian army to attack French Indo China on UK2. :wink:
That’s a good spot - I like that.
I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.
Suppose Germany landet two figthers and a bomber in Libya, and purchased another bomber in Italy, you still want to land in that good spot ?
I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.
Suppose Germany landet two figthers and a bomber in Libya, and purchased another bomber in Italy, you still want to land in that good spot ?
good odds of killing a german fighter, and you tied up alot of AF on G2.
However, Italian East africa can be hit by the japanese. I like french Equatorail Africa if i bring the bomber.
I was about to mention same thing Adlertag said. I normally end up landing 2 fighters and 1 bomber in lybia as the Germans.
If i get my 8 bid, 2 med transports, i take TJ and AE G1.
But let’s say TJ is not taken, it’s still the best place to land if you moved some Russian infantry in Persia R1. Granted, you need to plan ahead but by G2, UK fighter and bomber could have 2-3 russian infantry backing them since R2 get to move Persia to TJ before G2.
Armor is best. You can send them in R3 and then back to caucasus in R4 (unless germans have so many troops they can toast Israel anyway)
R3 maybe is too late, it should be sent in R2 to cover the bomber and the fighter in TJ.
Borrowing the Word of Emperor Mollari:
Russian Tanks, UK fighter and UK bomber all in the same territories (or package) how efficient of the Allies…
I mean Germany will throw at TJ all the available units at hand!
Well, UK2 did retake AE in this case. German AE units are dead.
What German units can they send to TJ outside of bringing in some more with transport(s)?I say transport with (s) since I don’t see Germans able to retake TJ without additonal transports in Med.
2 ground unit with 2 fighters and 1 bomber will not punch easily trough 2-3 infantry, 1 tank, UK fighter and bomber. Certainly not without heavy losses and at any rate, it’s easy for Russia to figure out what is needed to stop a retake of TJ. They play first, send 1 more tank and even one fighter R2 from caucasus at worst case, Red fighter will still be in range to swap Ukraine.
R3 maybe is too late, it should be sent in R2 to cover the bomber and the fighter in TJ.
Borrowing the Word of Emperor Mollari:
Russian Tanks, UK fighter and UK bomber all in the same territories (or package) how efficient of the Allies…I mean Germany will throw at TJ all the available units at hand!
Yea, it’s R2, my mistake. But in a KGF, you can have 1 fig, 1 bomb, 1 per inf for uk and about 3 armors for soviets. That’s 6 units, so, or germans have at least 2 trannies in Med Sea, or they need tons of planes, and this means uk inf and sov armors traded for germans figs. As Germany, I’d think two times before launching that attack with only 1 trannie
Well, UK2 did retake AE in this case. German AE units are dead.
What German units can they send to TJ outside of bringing in some more with transport(s)?I say transport with (s) since I don’t see Germans able to retake TJ without additonal transports in Med.
2 ground unit with 2 fighters and 1 bomber will not punch easily trough 2-3 infantry, 1 tank, UK fighter and bomber. Certainly not without heavy losses and at any rate, it’s easy for Russia to figure out what is needed to stop a retake of TJ. They play first, send 1 more tank and even one fighter R2 from caucasus at worst case, Red fighter will still be in range to swap Ukraine.
From where come from the 2-3 inf? If there are 2-3 inf there I will not attack for sure! :)
By the way if there are 2-3 inf there why sending in Russian tanks?
We are considering sending in russian tanks instead of Infantry. I have only said that if there are only “premium” units in TJ it is a good opportunity for Germany.
From my very first comment.
I always reffered to 2-3 infantry R1 to persia and R2 to TJ. Weither or not you send extra tanks R2 is your choice. But i guess we understand each other.
Honestly, I’d only counter attack Egypt if Germany took a pounding or did not have a bid in Africa. The risk to the bomber is too great for England, in my humble opinion.
However, if I did the attack, I too would select Italian East Africa for a landing zone. It allows you to pose a threat to the Japanese fleet (not a credible one, but a threat); to counter attack in India or attack FIC; or to move quickly to assist in attacking the Germans if they unify their fleet in SZ 7.
Though, to be honest with you, if Germany has 2 fighters and a bomber in range of IEA, I wouldn’t even bother. In my opinion, the British bomber is the most valuable unit on the game board followed with each of the Russian fighters. (The Russian fighters would be most important if Russia only started the game with one.)
I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.
Suppose Germany landet two figthers and a bomber in Libya, and purchased another bomber in Italy, you still want to land in that good spot ?
No, I wouldn’t. But if Germany didn’t land their bomber in Libya, and they didn’t buy another bomber - then I would.
I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.
Suppose Germany landet two figthers and a bomber in Libya, and purchased another bomber in Italy, you still want to land in that good spot ?
No, I wouldn’t. But if Germany didn’t land their bomber in Libya, and they didn’t buy another bomber - then I would.
Even if Germany landed a bomber and fighter in Libya, I still wouldn’t. That’s 7 attack punch to 5 defense punch (and you KNOW the British bomber is dieing before the British fighter in that battle) so you’re almost guaranteed to do 15 IPC damage to England for 10 IPC damage to Germany. Not to mention, that British bomber is the most important piece on the board in my opinion, whereas a German fighter is expendable. (Hell, I probably average close to 20 German fighters lost in every game, I use them like candy!)
I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.
Suppose Germany landet two figthers and a bomber in Libya, and purchased another bomber in Italy, you still want to land in that good spot ?
No, I wouldn’t. But if Germany didn’t land their bomber in Libya, and they didn’t buy another bomber - then I would.
Even if Germany landed a bomber and fighter in Libya, I still wouldn’t. That’s 7 attack punch to 5 defense punch (and you KNOW the British bomber is dieing before the British fighter in that battle) so you’re almost guaranteed to do 15 IPC damage to England for 10 IPC damage to Germany. Not to mention, that British bomber is the most important piece on the board in my opinion, whereas a German fighter is expendable. (Hell, I probably average close to 20 German fighters lost in every game, I use them like candy!)
I agree with that, Jen. I meant as long as Germany’s bomber(s) stay in Germany. If Germany had a fighter only in Libya, I don’t think they would chance it, do you?
I usually land it together with the UK fighter in the horn of Africa, Italian East Africa.
Suppose Germany landet two figthers and a bomber in Libya, and purchased another bomber in Italy, you still want to land in that good spot ?
No, I wouldn’t. But if Germany didn’t land their bomber in Libya, and they didn’t buy another bomber - then I would.
Even if Germany landed a bomber and fighter in Libya, I still wouldn’t. That’s 7 attack punch to 5 defense punch (and you KNOW the British bomber is dieing before the British fighter in that battle) so you’re almost guaranteed to do 15 IPC damage to England for 10 IPC damage to Germany. Not to mention, that British bomber is the most important piece on the board in my opinion, whereas a German fighter is expendable. (Hell, I probably average close to 20 German fighters lost in every game, I use them like candy!)
I agree with that, Jen. I meant as long as Germany’s bomber(s) stay in Germany. If Germany had a fighter only in Libya, I don’t think they would chance it, do you?
Sure, if Germany only had the one fighter in range, I’d drop the fighter and bomber in IEA. Maybe even if Germany had two fighters - maybe.
From my very first comment.
I always reffered to 2-3 infantry R1 to persia and R2 to TJ. Weither or not you send extra tanks R2 is your choice. But i guess we understand each other.