Online: searching opponent for AAR

  • Hi

    I’m new to this forum and having already played some games a&a revised FTF, I would like to play it more often. My friend are not willing to because they are not so enthusiastic about it as I am.

    So I’m looking for a game of AAR with LHTR 2.0 and a little guidance concerning PBF or PBM because this will be my first online game.

    I’d like to play without Tech or NA’s, I don’t care if ADS or LL.

  • I wouldn’t mind playing by forum.

    I haven’t played online before either, only face to face.

    Ive never played with Techs and rarely use NA’s so I think we would match up pretty well.

    I usually dont play with a bid (but only because our group is unbalanced). The better player plays as Axis. But if we want to be fair, we should play with a bid.

    So anyways, Ill play!

  • This sounds great, so how do we decide the bid? And since we are playing by forum I guess we will use ADS.

  • I dont know how the bidding works … Im guessing whoever bids the lowest gets to play the Axis with that bid

    So if I bid 6 and you bid 7, then I play as the Axis with a bid of 6.

    If I bid 10 and you bid 8 1/2, then you get the Axis with a bid of 8.

    ( i dont know if you can bid halfes or not, but it would be a good tie breaker if you ask me :-) )

  • I’ll bid 7 by the way

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    That’s how bidding usually works, however, most players go with a blind bid system here.  They go to a site like or and start a game then input their bid, the computer then determines the lowest bidder (random if both players bid the same) and issues an email to both players with the result.

  • OK I will leave you the axis for 7 bid under the restriction of placing no more than one unit in one particular teritory, the country already has units in it. If you agree to this then it’s fine with me, else I would bid 6.

  • OK I will look for your answer in about 10h. Maybe we should start a new thread in the “Play Boardgames” section.

    Good night.

  • Ill start a thread in the play boardgames board

    Do you have TripleA or are we going to be playing soley on the forum ?

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