• 2007 AAR League

    I don’t think it was just homosexuals.

    The disease was originally dubbed GRID, or Gay-Related Immune Deficiency, but health authorities soon realized that nearly half of the people identified with the syndrome were not homosexual men.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i wouldnt use wiki for this one.  its so popular the pc police would never let them say how it came about.  it would hurt gay sensibilities, b/c the gay community knows the disease began to spread in their cirlces….they just want it on the DL.

    it ran rampant throughout the gay communites.  esp. san fran.

    after a while because some gay men swing both ways, they started to infect women, who infect straight men, who infect other straight women.

    but without a doubt, WITHOUT A DOUBT, the disease was begun in gay circles.  which means someone from africa came a plugged some gay guy in the butt, and that act of indecency has cost a momumetnal number of lives.

  • Actually, most of the growth of AIDS in the early days was because there was no screening of the blood supply, so it spread via blood in hospitals VERY fast.  By the time the blood supply was being screened, it had already ballooned into an epidemic.

    But hey, if we are going to lay blame for AIDS on homosexuals, lets be sure to blame Heterosexuals for syphylus, ghoneria, herpes, clymidia, HPV, hepatitus, etc.  Afterall, those are all spread from heterosexual intercourse…

    Back on topic…
    Fallwell was a flake.  And in my personal opinion, anyone who would forgive Fallwell for his serious issues, and not be at least as forgiving of the folks Fallwell condmned is hopelessly attached to their own personal double standard of judgement.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i forgive everyone, thats why everyone goes to heavan who wants to.  not like these liberal atheists and other liberals who wish for a hell to falwell to go to.  thats messed up.  even the liberal medias take on it was “well and intolerant man is dead, f him”.  how nice of the tolerant liberal media to do.

    i’ll take the hetero blame for all the other diseases, but thats just because of hetero promiscuity.  without liberal debauched promiscuity throughout the time of man, we wouldnt have these diseases.  if everyone just waited for a marriage partner and only stayed loyal to them and didnt cheat.  we could of wiped out the diseases by lessening the spread first by no promiscuity, and then isolated it, then removed it.  its liberal promiscuity that spreads sexual diseases.  not just sex itself, if you are smart about who your partner is, you wont get diseases, b/c they wouldnt have had sex yet either.

    and yes then, homosexuals get the blame for aids.  case closed.

    and back to falwell, yes forgive him, and those who he didnt like.  thats the point of christianity.  thats why its so great and the best and true religion.  all you do is go on with your life, you dont have to like someones evil or debauched ways, sometimes fight them if neccessary to save others from harm, but always forgive. its a nice way to live.

  • @balungaloaf:

    thats why its so great and the best and true religion.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at some of these statements? It’s amazing how little humanity has advanced in the last few thousand years.    :-(

  • 2007 AAR League



    thats why its so great and the best and true religion.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at some of these statements? It’s amazing how little humanity has advanced in the last few thousand years.    :-(

    Well it’s a good thing there are people like you who are better than all of us

  • 2007 AAR League

    what other religion is all about forgiveness and everyone getting to heaven to be with God who wants to.

    all other religions are about killing in the name of God, which the christian canon is against.  buddhism is about doing what you are told at all times(so the powerful can boss you around)  and hinduism is racist to the core.
    shintoism for japan led to a savage warrior culture.

    christianity’s the best to me.  so whats the best religion in your opinion.  liberal atheism?

    what is humanity supposed to evolve into.  secular me first hedonism.  thats sick.

  • Well it’s a good thing there are people like you who are better than all of us

    Better no, greater access and opportunity for a better education……perhaps.

  • 2007 AAR League

    my educations better than yours.  hands down.  its expensive.  but some people like you are just brainwashed by your environment.  the movies you watch, the tv you watch, the music you listen to, the popular culture of america at this time,  the NYT book list of many liberal political books you read, the newspapers and magazines like time and newsweek you read.  all that stuff, and you cant think for yourself.  the true independent thinker is the man who can look at all these sources and to every one of them, say “thats bullshit”.  thats real independent thinking.  you just keep thinking what all those media outlets and cultural mediums want you too.  they have succeeded with you.

  • Actually, I would put modern neo-paganism up there as a top choice.

    The #1 overriding belief of neo-paganism is HARM NONE.

    Not harm none, unless they harm you first.
    Not harm none, unless they are of a different religion

    Just plain and simple HARM NONE.

  • @balungaloaf:

    my educations better than yours. hands down.


  • 2007 AAR League

    wow, its like they ripped that off of christianity.  because thats christianities canon.  harm none.  but if we could stop a man from killing 50 children with a pistol by shooting him, any good person would.  it would be way worse to sit by and watch the children die.

    and christians dont ever want to harm someone b/c they are a different religion.  only muslims(certain ones, a lot though) condone that, b/c its right in the koran.

    the christian new testament says love and pray for your enemies.  and to turn the other cheek if it is just you being harmned.  no other religion comes close.

    i’m glad you agree JWW.  after you taking the first step to say you were smarter than someone else.  thats so the typical liberal.

  • Just curious Balungaloaf, is English your first language?

  • @JWW:

    Just curious Balungaloaf, is English your first language?

    you actually got me really curious re: his edumacation.  A guess would likely be viewed as baiting/flaming, unless he’s some bored psych student looking to enjoy a given on-line persona and seeing just how much baiting s/he can get away with - given the amount of leeway s/he has got away with, it’s a lot.

  • 2007 AAR League

    It’s all a scam balungaloaf is realy a 40 year old psychologist who comes onto this website to see how different people react!

  • 2007 AAR League

    Oh yeah he stalks everyone too

  • 2007 AAR League

    i do no flame.  no flame, no bait.  emglis as foirst langwage russian as a second(somewhat)

    i didnt go out and say i was smarter than someone until JWW pulled out the liberal i’m smarter than you card.

    I go to creighton university, and i made the mistake of majoring in history with a minor in russian.  historians suck my ass, all they do is argue and think that they are smarter than the other historian when they disagree.  a lot of it is bullshit, and a couple of teachers are just liberal idgits.  so i no longer desire to be a historian.  but i can be, b/c i have learned how to write historical books, and that process also sucks my ass.

    on to corporate law, to screw the man!

    on-line persona?  this is axis and allies man!

    i hate psychology!  no one can predict humans behavior.  humans are too dynamic.

    how do you stalk someone online?

  • Balung, please enlighten me on where “Harm None” is in Christian Dogma.

    I am aware of the Golden Rule, the Ten Commandments, the “Judge not lest ye be judged” but I honestly can say that “Harm None” was NEVER covered in my catechism classes.

    Please give me a reference to back this claim up…

  • @balungaloaf:

    i wouldnt use wiki for this one.  its so popular the pc police would never let them say how it came about.  it would hurt gay sensibilities, b/c the gay community knows the disease began to spread in their cirlces….they just want it on the DL.

    I wouldn’t use you as a reference either, so I think wiki is a better bet.

    but without a doubt, WITHOUT A DOUBT, the disease was begun in gay circles.  which means someone from africa came a plugged some gay guy in the butt, and that act of indecency has cost a momumetnal number of lives.

    Without a doubt, the disease began with another species.  That’s how it started.


    and back to falwell, yes forgive him, and those who he didnt like.  thats the point of christianity.  thats why its so great and the best and true religion.  all you do is go on with your life, you dont have to like someones evil or debauched ways, sometimes fight them if neccessary to save others from harm, but always forgive. its a nice way to live.

    Forgive him - well, I didn’t really care about him before.  I’m more likely to forget him.  But he was an egregious misrepresentation of Christianity.  And for you to say that you can go about your business, hate on liberals all day, and still be a Christian, well, I’m sorry your religion is too much “work” for you.  No wonder you are Catholic.


    what other religion is all about forgiveness and everyone getting to heaven to be with God who wants to.

    Buddhism, to name one.

    all other religions are about killing in the name of God, which the christian canon is against.  buddhism is about doing what you are told at all times(so the powerful can boss you around)  and hinduism is racist to the core.
    shintoism for japan led to a savage warrior culture.

    There’s not an iota of truth in this entire paragraph.  Furthermore, if the US were truly a Christian nation, it would be very different: no Iraq War, no poverty, no exorbitant wealth (Jesus sure did sound like a commie, didn’t he?).  I’ve often said that being an American and Christian is just about mutually exclusive - if not an oxymoron.

    what is humanity supposed to evolve into.  secular me first hedonism.  thats sick.

    Welcome to the US.  Enjoy your stay.


    wow, its like they ripped that off of christianity.  because thats christianities canon.  harm none.  but if we could stop a man from killing 50 children with a pistol by shooting him, any good person would.  it would be way worse to sit by and watch the children die.

    And what did Christianity rip off?  Every other religion that came before it.  Seriously - it was a brilliant strategy to convert the masses.  Just adopt their practices.

    and christians dont ever want to harm someone b/c they are a different religion.  only muslims(certain ones, a lot though) condone that, b/c its right in the koran.

    Plenty of Christians do, and did, kill for differences in faith.  Don’t kid yourself.

    the christian new testament says love and pray for your enemies.  and to turn the other cheek if it is just you being harmned.  no other religion comes close.

    You apparently aren’t up on religion…

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