@bismarckable update: still looking, btw I also have a&a 1941 if Europe 1940 isn’t your thing
Looking for player in montreal,canada
I’m looking for World at War players.
I redone the map. 3 x 6. extra detailed…
Xeno and house rules.
The game start in 1939.French or english speaking doesn’t matter.
sorry to say this but talk about a needle in a hay stack.
I think there were some guys playing a game on this forum recently……yes. Mr. Ghoul, Dzerfish, Gamer, Mateooo, RMorel played. Here is the link:
Hey Cyan.
Not realy, i have 7 players and we play 3 or 4 times per years.
The only problem is to get all the people at the same time so that’s why i’m always looking for others AA players.Al.
Hey there
im In Montreal and I own the Eurpope 1941 2nd edition