what do you think of this russian statergy?
purchase: 3inf, 1 tank 1 fig.
If you do something like this, you lack numbers. Okay if the Allies come through quickly in the Atlantic and you play defensively otherwise. But you are trying to be OFFENSIVE.
Eastern Euope: (3inf, 1 tank, 2 figs vs. 2inf, 1 tank, 1 fig)
Karelia: 3inf: 1 fig
Archanggel: 1 tank
Moscow: 1 fig
So you traded fighters with the Germans? Because you KNOW that if you attack Eastern Europe with both Russian fighters, at least one must land in Karelia, so that Russian fighter is going to get blown up on G1. That’s a pretty good deal for Germany considering how near impossible it can be to kill those Russian fighters and how useful those Russian fighters are for taking territory.
West Russia: ( 9inf, 2 art, 3 tanks vs. 3 inf, 2 art, 1 tank)
Archangel: 3inf
Moscow: 3inf, 1 art, 2 tanks
Caucasus: 3 ifn, 1 art, 1 tank
expected results:
EE taken with 1 arm, 2 figs (Link to or bookmark this scenario);
WR taken with 7 inf, 2 art, 3 tanks (Link to or bookmark this scenario)
karelia: 1 fig ee
caucasus: 2 inf kazah, 1 fig ee
sinkiang: 2 inf novo
yakut: 2inf, buyatia, 2 inf sfe, 2 inf evnki (or the 2 inf in evenki could go to novo)
sz2: 1 sub sz4
place units: 3inf, 1 tank > caucasus, 1 fig moscow collect 29 ipcs
ee: 1 arm
kar: 1 fig
wruss: 7inf, 2 art, 3
caucasus: 5inf, 1 tank, 1fig, 1 aa
moscow: 1 fig, 1 aa
novo: 0 or 2 inf
sinkiang: 2 inf
yakut: 6 or 8 inf.
sz2: 1sub
saudia arabia: 29 ipc
ALLIED HELP: the uk can take norway if gets emptied this turn, and you make cordniate a counterattack in china with the US. also a german attack in the med may become more risky helping to secure africa for the allies.
Whaaat? So the UK can take Norway and lose their fleet? That’s another sweet deal for Germany. And you can’t coordinate anything with the US. The US goes with its 2 infantry with a high chance of suiciding, and you reinforce your 2 infantry IF the US wins; if the US loses your infantry have to retreat, if the US wins, your infantry are marching into the teeth of the enemy anyways. Also, I don’t see how the Germans have any added risk in the Med.
You used a tank and a fighter in Eastern Europe that you couldn’t save. That tank and fighter are EXTREMELY VALUABLE for Russia.
On the other hand, you killed a moderately useful tank and a moderately useful fighter of mine.
That is to say - you cut off Russia’s right arm to spite Germany a couple of fingers.