Myself it really depends on what Germany does, though my standard moves are, Dest from SZ35 to SZ59, Sub from SZ40 to SZ45, The Subs a 50/50, some people like to take the carrier to the tran as well but, I prefer the Dest Alone. If Africa is going good, Namely if I can retake EGY, then the tran in SZ40 takes two inf from AUS and invades New Guinea (Something nice to try) If I cannot retake EGY I like to use the Tran to pick up 2 INF from AUS and then move to SZ30, then on UK2 drop them anywhere along the Africa coast (Even Persia if it needs them). If Germany takes EGY and you “can” retake it, then do it bringing 2 inf from IND, 1 INF from TRJ and the Fighter from SZ35 (You can also bring your Bomber but I usually don’t). Otherwise I like to stack 2 inf in TRJ and the 3 Indian Inf and A-A gun to Persia. The AC stays with the Tran wherever it decides to go. If Germany is stupid and doesn’t take EGY, then smile :lol: happily and move the INF from TRJ into it, stack 4 + A-A gun in Persia, move the FIG to EGY and move the Tran and AC to SZ33 (Out of reach of the IJN).
The SAF INF always moves up, regardless of what you do.
G1 fleet unification, how does UK respond?
My plans for the bid was to use a tank and inf in Africa plus the units that are there to take Egypt. An extra transport would be great in the baltic but then you probably can’t take Egypt without committing your battleship.
I’d still suggest committing your battleship to Egypt G1 then if you still want to try the merge on G2 you can then take Gibraltar and merge the remnants of the baltic fleet in sz13 with BB/trn. Do you gain a lot by taking Gibraltar G1 on a channel dash? I don’t really see it.
If you don;t take Gibraltar on the Channel Dash, and if you move the Med fleet west, the med fleet dies. That is really the only reason to take Gibraltar in Revised (though a Gibraltar Tank Factory was a fun Classic strat…)
Yes, but what are your thoughts on delaying moving the med fleet west by 1 round on the channel dash?
I hate, as Germany, to vacate the only port that defends the capital. Gonna have to really think about this one.
If I’m UK and I see that fleet move, I will kill it at all cost. And beg the US to help! -
Channel Dash is fun, it almost forces the Allies to build heavy navy just to stop you. Can delay the fall of Germany a significant amount of time if Japan can pick up the pace a little.
Right, well I don’t usually abandon the baltic either, but I think it’s pretty clear to me now that you either add to the baltic fleet or go for the channel dash. Leaving it there without adding to it is nonsensical.
this is not completel true. the transport can be really helpful to getting people into russia through leningrad
I usually do neither. I use the Med fleet to secure Africa, I ignore the Baltic fleet except to reclaim Norway or move more troops to Karelia/E. Europe or to W. Europe until it is sunk.
Most british players are going to attack your naked fleet and lose valuable fighters in the process. Rare is the battle England escapes without suffering at least two hits on their valuable fighters and sinks your fleet.
I usually do neither. I use the Med fleet to secure Africa, I ignore the Baltic fleet except to reclaim Norway or move more troops to Karelia/E. Europe or to W. Europe until it is sunk.
Most british players are going to attack your naked fleet and lose valuable fighters in the process. Rare is the battle England escapes without suffering at least two hits on their valuable fighters and sinks your fleet.
With a “channel dash”, you can simply use the BB and trans, attack 1 round, then retreat. The BB soaks up one hit, so you can lose 1 transport instead of 2 fighters.
I usually do neither. I use the Med fleet to secure Africa, I ignore the Baltic fleet except to reclaim Norway or move more troops to Karelia/E. Europe or to W. Europe until it is sunk.
Most british players are going to attack your naked fleet and lose valuable fighters in the process. Rare is the battle England escapes without suffering at least two hits on their valuable fighters and sinks your fleet.
With a “channel dash”, you can simply use the BB and trans, attack 1 round, then retreat. The BB soaks up one hit, so you can lose 1 transport instead of 2 fighters.
And you quoted me why? The SZ 5 fleet, of which I was speaking, under attack by England in Round 1 has what, exactly, to do with Germany attacking SZ 13 with her battleship?
Sorry, just wanted a little clarification. Maybe you’re confused, maybe I’m confursed.
I think Squire was refering to a B1 attack with the British BB, TRN, fighters and bomber attacking the German Baltic fleet in SZ7 (after the first round channel dash attempt).
Adding to Jen’s point about just leaving the Baltic fleet where it is, if the British or US try to move a fleet in close to the baltic to use as fodder in taking out this fleet, Germany can in turn use their baltic fleet as fodder to take out the allied fleet with their airforce. So it ofter has to be just airpower that takes out the baltic fleet, or an overwhelmingly large allied fleet that Germany doesn’t have the firepower to take out even with the baltic fleet as fodder. But it takes time for the allies to build up a fleet that large, and in the meantime the German interior territories can be defended much more lightly with their baltic fleet intact.
Good point. The baltic fleet solo may not be able to take out a combined British and American fleet, but it can soak up 4 hits allowing the 6 fighters, bomber and destroyer to inflict some damage without losing anything that wouldn’t be lost soon anyway.
BTW, I’d never leave just the Baltic fleet sitting naked in the English Channel (SZ 7). Who would do such a thing and WHY???
Yes, but what are your thoughts on delaying moving the med fleet west by 1 round on the channel dash?
That UK simply kills the German fleet on UK 1 using AF in whatever SZ it dashes too instead of doing so in SZ5 (and UK builds FIGs to replace lost air units so that at the end of UK1, Germany is out a Baltic Fleet, UK is out NOTHING.)
Well, UK is out the cash it used to build fighters to replace losses. :P
Next to nothing is still something.
Channel Dash is fun, it almost forces the Allies to build heavy navy just to stop you. Can delay the fall of Germany a significant amount of time if Japan can pick up the pace a little.
I quoted you because you stated the above. When you “channel dash”, the UK BB and Trans get to attack too.
In which case, only 1 transport should be lost.
Good point. The baltic fleet solo may not be able to take out a combined British and American fleet, but it can soak up 4 hits allowing the 6 fighters, bomber and destroyer to inflict some damage without losing anything that wouldn’t be lost soon anyway.
BTW, I’d never leave just the Baltic fleet sitting naked in the English Channel (SZ 7). Who would do such a thing and WHY???
What would you do then to the Baltic fleet if you’re not doing the channel dash? Do you automatically go for carrier or have some other trick up your sleeve?
Assuning no channel dash, would anyone consider simply buying a destroyer for Germany in R1 and putting it in Baltic? It would protect the the existing fleet, leave 4 bucks to spend on the ground. (As opposed to buying a carrier.) With most players using WE as an airfiled anyway, is the carrier neccessary if staying put?
Potential GR1 buys:
1 Destroyer (12)
6 Infantry (18)
2 Armor (10)
1 Destroyer (12)
5 Infantry (15)
2 Artillery (8)
1 Armor (5) -
Assuning no channel dash, would anyone consider simply buying a destroyer for Germany in R1 and putting it in Baltic? It would protect the the existing fleet, leave 4 bucks to spend on the ground. (As opposed to buying a carrier.) With most players using WE as an airfiled anyway, is the carrier neccessary if staying put?
Potential GR1 buys:
1 Destroyer (12)
6 Infantry (18)
2 Armor (10)
1 Destroyer (12)
5 Infantry (15)
2 Artillery (8)
1 Armor (5)If you build a destroyer, I build 3 UK fighters. What’s Germany’s response then?
If you build your 3 fighters, that’s $30 bucks less in ground troops. That’ll keep you outta Europe for a while.