You can play online here https://forumini.boards.net/board/8/aam-online-matches-clubs. Pm me (bartok)
Play by post or email
Its looking good dude. So we gonna have a mock game or what? Who wants to challenge me!!!?? :evil:
MW, are you all talk or are you gonna throw down with Audacity? :evil:
I walk the walk. :wink:
So where do I get the tools to wage war?
Get yourself sorted MW and bring it on!
Do you have MapView? All the links you need are in thise thread.
I’ve started playing a PBEM game of AAM in the Games-In-Progress forum you you want to check it out.
Here’s a screen-shot of my poor Hellcat getting blown to hell…
[attachment deleted by admin]
That look pretty sweet, great job Mot!
Doesn’t this look tempting? Who wants to kick me around the battlefield?
Alright I’m set up.
First one question, can you change the map?
I wll be adding support for that (when you select A&A Minis icon in the New Game dialog, you’ll get a list of maps to choose from).
For now we can accomplish it with multiple modules, each with one map. Just let me know which one you need and I’ll upload it for you.
Cool, the map you have is good for now.
Actually I’m uploading the 6 now. I’ll post back in a few….
Here they are:
Have fun!
Mot -
dezrtfish and Audacity,
MotCreations.com (my website and email) is down so I’ve got to deal with that right now. I’ll pick up a game against you guys once I am sane again :-D
Please play against each other and post the results and any suggestions you have.
If you both PM me your builds I can roll for a map and get a game started for you guys to take and run with.
Here they are:
Have fun!
MotThese should work for everyone now!
Still struggling getting the individual modules.
What the heck is going on. I hate computers :x
I can see the files on the server but I can’t get to them either via the public web address…
New server, required me to configure the supported MIME types. It works now.
What the heck is going on. I hate computers :x
I can see the files on the server but I can’t get to them either via the public web address…
This coming from a developer. Sometimes I think developers hate computers the most; and enjoy them the most too. :wink: