Myself it really depends on what Germany does, though my standard moves are, Dest from SZ35 to SZ59, Sub from SZ40 to SZ45, The Subs a 50/50, some people like to take the carrier to the tran as well but, I prefer the Dest Alone. If Africa is going good, Namely if I can retake EGY, then the tran in SZ40 takes two inf from AUS and invades New Guinea (Something nice to try) If I cannot retake EGY I like to use the Tran to pick up 2 INF from AUS and then move to SZ30, then on UK2 drop them anywhere along the Africa coast (Even Persia if it needs them). If Germany takes EGY and you “can” retake it, then do it bringing 2 inf from IND, 1 INF from TRJ and the Fighter from SZ35 (You can also bring your Bomber but I usually don’t). Otherwise I like to stack 2 inf in TRJ and the 3 Indian Inf and A-A gun to Persia. The AC stays with the Tran wherever it decides to go. If Germany is stupid and doesn’t take EGY, then smile :lol: happily and move the INF from TRJ into it, stack 4 + A-A gun in Persia, move the FIG to EGY and move the Tran and AC to SZ33 (Out of reach of the IJN).
The SAF INF always moves up, regardless of what you do.
Best way to use your German med fleet?
Hey guys, I can’t really figure out how to use my med fleet best. I usually use my bid on 2 units for Libya. Then should i still send my med fleet to Egypt to try a take and hold, or should I buy ekstra fleet for the baltic and then send my med fleet west and unite the fleet on G2?
How do you use your med fleet?
do you buy the carrier or transports for the baltic, if you buy any at all? -
If I have a bid of at least 6 I will place 2 Inf in Libya and use the Med fleet + Sz 8 sub + a Fig or 2 to attack the British BB. If UK retakes Egypt on UK1 I will retake Egypt using the Med Fleet. If Allies are going heavy into Africa I will possibly send reinforcements into Africa to hold Egypt but if they aren’t going heavy into Africa I send the fleet West to either connect with the Baltic Fleet or to attack US Trns unloading into Algeria
I like to keep the Med Fleet east…
Help out in Egypt to take it strong, or if I get a good bid in Libya, take T-J AND Egypt on G1.The Med Fleet is no match for any of the Allied fleets that head for Algeria, but it can be a nice threat against Caucuses, or to assist with trading Ukraine, or to head for Australia…
BEst way to use ur BAL fleet is to tr to roll good when its attacked.
Hey guys, I can’t really figure out how to use my med fleet best. I usually use my bid on 2 units for Libya. Then should i still send my med fleet to Egypt to try a take and hold, or should I buy ekstra fleet for the baltic and then send my med fleet west and unite the fleet on G2?
How do you use your med fleet?
do you buy the carrier or transports for the baltic, if you buy any at all?Those two first listed options pretty much sums it up.
I don’t ever buy carriers for the Med fleet. German fighters in Western Europe combined with the Med fleet prevent early Allied naval invasion of the Mediterranean.
Late game, I sometimes buy transports to shuttle additional infantry from S. Europe to Caucasus.
You can try to pressure Caucasus extra early on if you make a couple of German transports at S. Europe. That is, if Russian fighters land in Moscow on R1, 2-3 Baltic transports is not sufficient threat against UK (since Russian fighters can fly to London). But if Russian fighters land in Moscow on R1, they’re not in position to attack any German transports produced at Southern Europe.
But if you DO produce transports at S. Europe early, remember that they’re not going to do too much. Even with transported infantry, it is very hard to match up to the bulked mass of Rusisan infantry/tanks/fighters/some artillery. It is probably a far safer bet to produce infantry early, march east, then produce transports to unload infantry, and have Jap fighters land in the same territory.
BUT if Russia was very aggressive, or very unlucky, Germany can try to run a tank dash to Moscow game, in which case early transports in the Med are decent. But this should ONLY be tried if a gigantic proportion of the Russian army is destroyed. Otherwise, Germany simply overextends itself.