Frood AACalc Dicey / Sim / Odds Calculator: Updates and Opinions

  • is there any way you can fix this or no? not reallly a big deal.

    8 Inf 3 tank 2 fig 1 tank v. 7 inf 2 fig 1 bmb 1 fig is converted into  8 Inf 4 Arm 2 Fig v. 7 Inf 3 Fig 1 Bom it makes the bomber dies last but there reason why you want it to die after a certain number of figs but before the last one. and also if you may want to have a  certtain number of land units to take the territroy with.

  • 2007 AAR League

    At present it will only accept one group of units of each type for each side. Eventually I may add support for what you are seeking. I’ve thought about it but it will involve some pretty complicated work.

    However, there is already a control for land units to die last - look on the right hand side. It will also work for transports (in case you are attacking with both loaded and unloaded transports)

  • 2007 AAR League


    Wish I had seen this last night when I was doing my US/R turns.

    Only comment is now I actually have to think about OOL as I enter the units.  Since in the game I’m playing we have stated that the default OOL from Frood is what we use unless otherwise specified, it would be nice to have that default OOL available.  Is a possible for it to be the default and then a radio button changes it to the order in which the units are entered?

  • @Baghdaddy:


    Wish I had seen this last night when I was doing my US/R turns.

    Only comment is now I actually have to think about OOL as I enter the units.  Since in the game I’m playing we have stated that the default OOL from Frood is what we use unless otherwise specified, it would be nice to have that default OOL available.  Is a possible for it to be the default and then a radio button changes it to the order in which the units are entered?

    then you use the regular one and not the beta one then.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I liked Baghdaddy’s suggestion.  Just not sure which one should be the default (ie. the OOL as entered should be default, and only change if you want to use Frood’s default OOL).

  • 2007 AAR League

    I think I’m going to say no to this particular request. If you wish to have a default OOL, I suggest posting it at the beginning of your game thread.

    Besides, it’s not really rocket surgery - count your inf first, then your art, then your arm, etc.

    Note that now you can enter separate groups, and they just get added together, with OOL being based on the first occurrence of the unit type. Also note that extraneous data just gets discarded. So I think in theory you could enter this:

    3 Inf (Belo) 1 Arm WRus 2 Inf 2 Ftrs Ukraine v. 4 Inf

    So far not too many complaints about the new beta in terms of bugs. There really shouldn’t be any, because it’s just a change to the input - the dicey logic is still the same. I did have to do some special coding to accommodate the addition of damaged battleships into the OOL, but that appears to be working now.

    I think what I may do is put the old version in a sub-page, and put the new version in the main location, with a link to the old version for those who have problems with the new one. That way if some horrible bug comes to light, the old one is still available.

  • I have not had a chacne to work with the new version yet, but first impressions…

    Nice for forum style play where folks are used to typing out combat commands (cut and paste would I presume be possible into the dicey)
    The self directed OOL without regard to moving hyphens is not a bad idea.

    Being able to fully customize the OOL would be a VERY nice advantage with this format.  I would echo those who have said that allowing for more than 1 entry of a unit type to allow for 100% customized OOL would be ideal (being able to list something like 3 INF(US), 2 INF(UK), 2 ARM(US, 1 ARM(UK), 3 FIG(US), 1 ARM(UK), 1 FIG(UK), 1 BOM(UK), even if displayed w/o the national specifiers would allow folk to preserve specific units without very careful (and potentially error creating) changes to the remaining units for rounds 2 and beyond of battle.

    For sim purposes, the original version is easier to use.

    I would say each has a place, but I personally think the original should remain primary (as the input is what folks who use other diceys such as DAAK, AAMC, RJWare are already used to.

  • 2007 AAR League


    For sim purposes, the original version is easier to use.

    I would say each has a place, but I personally think the original should remain primary (as the input is what folks who use other diceys such as DAAK, AAMC, RJWare are already used to.

    Hmm– I’m using the new version exclusively for sim purposes actually - what makes the old version more suitable?

  • Consistency of format with other diceys
    Ease of adjustment of number of units
    Ability to switch quickly from one battle sim to another
    Tab button and numeric key-pad only operation.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I guess I don’t really care about consistency - I’m out to make mine better, not more like the others.
    Adjustments - you can move around with the mouse or the arrow keys just as easily
    and #3 and #4 are basically restatements of #1 and #2. I don’t think the tab key was that useful because if you wanted to change Inf and Fgtrs you’d have to hit tab like 4 times - not really any easier, I always just used the mouse.

    And for speed, you can use ultra-shorthand form, eg “5i2a1f|3i2a”

    Well, this is the version that will see continued development - addition of NA units, custom OOL etc. I’ll leave the old version up somewhere.

    I’m interested in any bugs - OOL not working properly, or subs/artillery/amphib assaults/other special units not working properly. I haven’t noticed anything like that yet.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Okay, I’ve made the new version the default version - with a link to the old version for any luddites out there.

    Once CC gets me my manuals back, I can start on adding in all the National Advantages. That will be next. And then maybe separate groups of units for OOL (eg. so UK Art can die before Russian Inf, etc.) That will be tricky though.

  • It’s possible you may just have lost a good number of people who are seeking an intuitive interface to a battle calculator.  At the very least, I’d like to suggest keeping the old OOL entry with default values in a separate location as it was before.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Well the old one is still available… sheesh! And it’s not like I’m doing this for money.

    And what’s so non-intuitive about entering “2 Inf 1 Ftr v. 1 Inf” ?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Okay, due to excessive whining, I’ve made the old one the default, with the new one available on a sub-page.

  • Not a matter of whining Dan.

    As I said previously, it is what folks are used to…  the format they have with other diceys.

    You can build a car with a great new method of steering and acceleration, but if someone gets into it and there is no steering wheel and no gas pedal… they are not likely to know how to drive it, and will likely go purchase a model they are more familiar with.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Grrr… very grumpy. Not feeling very impressed with the human race tonight…

  • Dan, if it makes you feel any better, I think your old dicey is the most popular one on this site, including with yours truly.  :-)

    But now that you have me playing Triple A, I will now be using it primarily for checking battle odds . . . (which I should have done for the Germany defense – I was just getting lazy with that one).

  • 2007 AAR League

    Yeah that’s what I mostly use it for too (or only I guess)

    I think that attack on Germany was hard to anticipate though - it was a 3-wave attack and I only made it because Russia was also in a position to strike. Good game. Let me know if you want to go again!

    It’s just frustrating - I did some really clever work and I think it really simplifies the form and makes it easier to use for cutting and pasting combat moves. It may just take some time. I’ll add NAs to the new one, and it sounds like I need to improve the OOL stuff. Is it the unit entry, or the OOL entry that people don’t like about the new one?

  • 2007 AAR League

    If it’s the unit entry, blame me :lol:

  • Don’t get me wrong–I’m a huge fan of the efforts you have made to provide free tools for A&A style gaming.  I also appreciate all the effort you put into parsing user entries for battles in your new calculator.

    I’m just saying, it became like staring at a system prompt, rather than a GUI.  Many people wouldn’t have a clue what to do if they had a system prompt staring them in the face.  Now, is a GUI superior to a system prompt?  Not if you’re trying to add a prefix or suffix to several hundred file names in a given directory!  While it may not be nearly as powerful, a GUI is generally considered friendlier (but some GUIs are actually counter-intuitive and pretty yucky).  You just happened to migrate from a no-questions-asked interface to one where people need to figure out how things work–at first glance, people have no idea how forgiving your input field was–it’s only by playing with it that people discover the speedier entry of attack/defend units.  (I’m still not sure yet how one would have changed the OOL for attack vs defense, since I wasn’t looking to spend time figuring that part out)

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