• “Tink”… the wasted first hit on a Battleship

    A hold-over from my AD&D days where a certain spell called “stoneskin” made you immune to attack from one opponent for 1 round (You got hit, and if you had one of those spells on you, you just said “tink” as in the sound of steel hitting stone.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Played a game once where Russia could make 5 hit battleships.

    Talk about fun!

  • Browsing through old thread topics, found this one and realized I have an addition…

    We call a Carrier with 2 Fighters on it a Kwik-E-Mart.  Bonus points for whoever can figure out why.


  • Because it attacks as a 7, and defends as an 11 :-P

  • Beat me to it.  :-)

  • My friend calls a loaded aircraft carrier a ‘key defensive position’ as a joke and refuses to call it an aircraft carrier.

    One strategy we use is for complete naval domination of the mediterranean, since it helps to hold africa and leave untis out of southern europe, so we call southern europe the soft underbelly since its always undefended.

    Any time 2 massive forces collide for strafing where both of them will surely be killed (usually germany killing off a mass of russian tanks with whatever they ahve around), we say ‘MU-TUAAAL DESTRUUUCTIOOOOOON’ in weird deep voices.  I assure you this IS the corniest thing we do.  :-P

    We have a lot weirder terminology for risk though.  We played once at school and nobody knew what we were talking about because we kept calling things ‘bitchfights’ and ‘poopshoots’.

  • @ncscswitch:

    Because it attacks as a 7, and defends as an 11 :-P

    Ding ding ding ding ding!  We have a winner!  The old 7-11!


  • '19 Moderator

    I’ve got a couple:

    Fish Condos: newly built german ships

    WWHD: what we say when a player is over thinking a move - What Would Hitler Do

  • 2007 AAR League

    i cant use any of your jargon  :cry:

    why doesnt anybody else play with enhanced realism yet  :cry:

    i love being able to pick oppenents aircraft carries with two planes on them and then retreat.  knowing that they cant fly far enough to land safely…  as his face gets pink, red, purple, blue.  then oddly pale pale white.  call an ambulance, he’s having a stroke or som’thin’

  • @dezrtfish:

    Fish Condos: newly built german ships

    We call those “bottom clutter”. Same idea.

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