New proof that Global Warming is a myth!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    David Thompson, age 36 and his identification of a key northern weather pattern pulled climate science into the stratosphere.

    Davind Thompson was still in his 20s, a graduate student at the University of Washington, when he helped discover a phenomenon that would radically alter the way climatologists understand northern weather patterns.  Thompson and his adviser, atmospheric scientist John M. Wallace, were the first to identify the extent of a climate systtem that engulfs the top third of the planet.  This Arctic Oscillation, as they called it, changes weather patterns all over the hemisphere, from blizzards in Cleveland, to rainfall in Spain, to the frequency of the Eastern seaboards dreaded Nor-easters.  Call it El Nino of the North!

    Swirling counterclockwise from a latitude of 55 degrees north – about parallel with Moscow and Ketchikan, Alaska – the AO can shift from its negative phase (when its ring of wind blows more slowly and is easily thrown off course, causing cold Arctic air to spill out into the midlatitudese) to its positive phase (when winds are strong, holding in the cold air) as frequently as every few days.  But over time, trends emerge.  The positive cycles associated with warmer winters, for instance, dominated much of teh 1980s and 1990s.

    The discovery of the AO had a near immediate influence on many fields of climate study, notably among climate-change experts who suspect that emiisions from the sun may be responsible for pushing teh AO to remain in the positive phase or negative phase for longer peiods of time.

    And there you have it folks, you heard it here first!  The sun causes global warming and cooling phases!!!

  • Based on the fact that my weather man can’t get the forecast right 2 days in a row makes me think that meterology is slightly more complicated than that.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Nah, exact measurements for the day are pretty complicated, but over all generalizations of past and future decades can really be attributed to major factors and you can eliminate most minor factors.

    After all, 150 million people running their heaters in winter does not create global warming.  It may effect the weather for a day or two in a minor degree, but it’s not large enough a force to effect the temperature for a year.

    Likewise, the wavering of the Earth towards and away from the Sun along with the daily bombardment of gasses and radiation from the Sun which rises and falls, is a major factor, so much so that if we did not have those two issues we would be at 0 kelvin. (Absolute Zero.)

  • I could have told you that because Al Gore has an anti-global warming campaign.  That guy is farkin crazy.  I thought I saw him talk at last months VMA’s about global warming too.  He scares me more than Christopher Walken.  :-o

  • 2007 AAR League

    christopher walken is one of my many heros.

    A lot has been said lately that the sun could just be putting out more energy.

    Liberals i guess dont believe in climate change that isnt man-made

    Al gore is a moron, when did conservatives parade around their losers.  Dole?

    I dont think global warming is this huge threat ONLY put on by people, but i will concede that we have a little to do with it because of green house gases.  Gore just wont tell you that the earth is always fixing itself and adapting for life.  He needs to take earth system science.

  • And there you have it folks, you heard it here first!  The sun causes global warming and cooling phases!!!

    see this is another example of jumping to conclusions. it did not say in the excerpt anything about global warming, it simply referred to a particular weather pattern. you take that, and apply it broadly to global warming. thats not a valid connection. youve skipped some steps.

    a and b
    therefore d

    you left out some premises there

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    And there you have it folks, you heard it here first!  The sun causes global warming and cooling phases!!!

    see this is another example of jumping to conclusions. it did not say in the excerpt anything about global warming, it simply referred to a particular weather pattern. you take that, and apply it broadly to global warming. thats not a valid connection. youve skipped some steps.

    a and b
    therefore d

    you left out some premises there

    Re-read that last sentance dear.  Notably the section stating that climate-change EXPERTS believe that the Sun is responsible.  Thus, I came to the logical conclusion anyone who hasn’t taken 12 years of study into Geothermic, Exothermic, Solar Patterns, and Climatology would take (aka we poor laymen) that they are saying the it is the Sun that causes the Arctic Oscillation (AO) which in turn effects how cold and how warm the weather is in the entire northern hemisphere…well, the top half anyway, from Cleveland to teh North Pole, from Russia to America and Europe.

    And that makes sense!  After all, if the entire world were covered with reflective clouds, we would have next no no heat at all.  Which infers that a majority of our heat comes from radiation from the sun.  That same radiation that is causing Arctic Oscillation.  And if the AO is holding back cold winds because they’re moving faster because there’s more radiation comming from the sun from normal, then of course we’d feel a moderate climate change in the Midwest.  Likewise, we could expect the glaciers to melt, since we have more heat with less arctic wind!

    It also explains how ice ages would occur naturally.  The sun isn’t as active, produces less radiation, the winds slow in the AO, and cold winds escape southward freezing the landscape.

    Did I connect the dots enough?  I could probably expound on this further, but hopefully that’s enough for you to follow the trail of breadcrumbs I’m following to reach my conclusions.

  • 2007 AAR League

    sounds like you’ve take a critical reasoning course.

    But its “if a then b”  “b”  “therefore a” or wait is that it, damn gotta go find my book.  Is that modus pollens of modus tolluns?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    sounds like you’ve take a critical reasoning course.

    But its “if a then b”  “b”  “therefore a” or wait is that it, damn gotta go find my book.  Is that modus pollens of modus tolluns?

    No, I’m going in the typical mathmatical formula:

    If A = B and B=C then A=C

  • Jen, that last sentence speaks to thinks like the hurricane 30 year cycle being longer or shorter.

    It does not say dick about global warming, except that it expresses the HYPOTHESIS that the sun may change the interval of that phenomenon they are studying.

    I personally think the sun is responsible for global warming.  But the quote you posted above does NOT say anything about global warming, just about regional weather phenomena and the frequency of cycles of same.

  • Does this supposed refutation of Global Warming come from a scientific journal or the popular press? The scientists say it is real while the popular media seems to be split. I’ve seen “The Inconvienient Truth.” Don’t ignore the message because you don’t like the messenger.

    I particularly enjoyed the information from the Navy who apparently keeps accurate information on the thickness of the Arctic ice for Submarine ops purposes. The steady drop off of that chart was alarming.

  • I find it funny that one guy study (wich doesn’t bring new facts since we already knew sun radiations varied a lot) is the proof that global warming is a myth, but when we talked about evolution, hundred of studies from hundred scientists were worth almost nothing.

  • sounds like you’ve take a critical reasoning course.

    But its “if a then b”  “b”  “therefore a” or wait is that it, damn gotta go find my book.  Is that modus pollens of modus tolluns?

    that argument is not valid. modus ponens would read: if a then b. “a” ttherfore b. affirming the antecedent.
    modus tollens is: if a then b. “not b” therefore not a.

    im not sure if you were talking to me or jen, but i meant what i said:
    if a then b.
    therefore d

    i was making a point that jen was attempting to make an argument but left out a necessary premise to reach the conclusion she did.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    But it does directly state:

    This Arctic Oscillation, as they called it, changes weather patterns all over the hemisphere, from blizzards in Cleveland, to rainfall in Spain, to the frequency of the Eastern seaboards dreaded Nor-easters.  Call it El Nino of the North!

    The positive cycles associated with warmer winters, for instance, dominated much of teh 1980s and 1990s.

    That indicates it’s much more involved then mearly a hurricane or two.

    Warmer winters, more snow, etc…all attributed.  Isn’t warmer winters the main point of your global warming theories?  Thus yea, he’s pointing to a natural phenomena that has a great and significant impact on the global temperature of this planet.

    And that’s from Scientific American, just FYI.  Not exactly known for being a biased media outlet.

  • 2007 AAR League

    havent seen it frimm, but does al gore talk about the sun putting out more energy at all?  Normal climate change? or is it against people and people are the fault and nothing else, which in my point of view is rediculous because the earth changes itself and adapts.  once again earth system science.

  • Isn’t warmer winters the main point of your global warming theories?

    no, warmer climate in general. not just winter, but summer spring and fall. warmer climates which impact global weather patterns, and in the case of such phenomena as hurricanes, increase the frequency and power of such events. all this article does is discuss a particualr phenomena which influences weather patterns. it says nothing for or against global warming.

    in fact, since global warming is conspicuosly absent, i think this scientist purposely left out references to it because he knew he had insufficient evidence to support or go against global warming. and the fact that you are now taking his research and bandying it about as being proof that global warming is a myth is an improper use of his research, one im sure he would dissociate himself from. if he thought it was anti-global warming proof, he would have at least mentioned the possibility (being a scientist, he wouldnt have made such a definitive statement as you did either, because he knows this is one piece of information). this isnt really about global warming at all, youve simply misappropriated his findings

  • HAHA OLver, good point.

    I think scientists are split over how much effect humans are having on global warming.  i think most agree to the warming trend.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Isn’t warmer winters the main point of your global warming theories?

    no, warmer climate in general. not just winter, but summer spring and fall. warmer climates which impact global weather patterns, and in the case of such phenomena as hurricanes, increase the frequency and power of such events. all this article does is discuss a particualr phenomena which influences weather patterns. it says nothing for or against global warming.

    But a warmer winter would imply a warmer spring, summer and fall as well.  At least to the common man, to whom this artical was written.

    Common, you can fight all you want, but eventually you will have to conceed that the evidence discounting human involvement in the global average temperature on thsi planet is negligable at best.  And that could even be attributed to all the extra BTUs of energy we exude as living beings running at 96 degrees fahrenheit!

    Would you prefer we assassinate/liquidate huge portions of the population to see if it cools off the planet a little?  I’m all for it, let’s start with the vegetarians (the last link on the food chain in case of global famine), eco-freaks, ecologists, politicians, lawyers and judges…if we need more, we can go with teachers, cops, doctors (not nurses!), and truckers. :P  :evil:

  • I have to agree with the others there…this was not addressing global warming.

    The sun is the source of this planet’s heat, that’s a given.  Global warming concerns the matter of how much humans are affecting the heat once it’s here.

    If you recall the impact of CFC’s on the ozone, there is now proof that our efforts are correcting the problem.  So why would a human affect on global warming be impossible?

  • Jen, this is talking about a periodic cycle and for a particular region.

    Thus warmer in 80-90’s, but cooler in the 60-70’s, warme in 40-50’s, etc.

    It is not a GLOBAL issue, but a regional/hemispheric one, and it is periodic, it rises AND falls.

    The Global Warming thing relies on a completely different set of alleged data, and deals with temps on a global scale that allegedly are on a steady increase not for a couple of decades, but over a span of 150 years.  (please note the alleged in that statement.  The Maunder Minimum explains more temp change than Global Warming claims over the past couple of centuries)

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