New proof that Global Warming is a myth!

  • @Jennifer:

    Yet I’m to believe my personal aeresol can of hair spray is single handedly killing all the fish in teh ocean and causing the icebergs to melt?

    No, you are meant to believe that the fossil fuels being used by HUMANS are changing the amount of CO2 in the air to the point that it is increasing the average temperature of the Earth.

    Your hairspray alone isn’t doing it but how many people use hairspray? How many people drive? Use Natural Gas to heat their homes? Anyone using electricity from coal?

    Let’s look at some non-scientific anectodal “evidence.”

    Think about all the fuel of all kinds you use. Now think about all the other people you know who use that same or a similar amount of fuel.

    Now think about all the people in 1850 who used that much fuel.

    Do you still want to tell me HUMANS aren’t changing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere?


    Ac works on the theory of conservation of energy. When you compress a gas and then decompress it you suck energy from outside to heat up that gas. This is standard Chemistry and Physics, for a college grad, I’m really amazed you don’t understand it.

    Where are you going to get the energy to compress the gas? Are you going to squeeze it with your powerful muscles? ACs work on the theory that energy particularly heat wants to be somewhere else. They exchange heat. The more heat you want to exchange the more difference in temperature there must be (put simply.) ACs could not do this in a meaningful and useful manner without energy. The sources of this energy is the source of the warming. How much do you have to run your AC to drop the temperature of your home say something easy 2 degrees? Now think about that for ten thousand homes.


    Get the funding to remove all the cars from the planet? Make a plan to totally re-build the entire power infrastructure of the United States? The suggestion that the US build vehicles that meet the emmissions standards of the rest of the world will make life tougher on Americans?

    The point of this Green S**t is not to save the planet. It is to continue to make the planet habitable for HUMANS.

  • Lets be honest folks… global warming or no global warming…

    Would plug-in hybrids (cars that charged for 150 miles of use from your home outlet, and used a gasoline hybrid engine for long distance) reduce the amount of oil burned in the US?  Yep.  Would htat reduction be positive for the environment? Yep.  Would it be good foreign policy also?  Yep, less money going to Saudi, Venezuela, etc.

    Would an increase in hydro and wind power, allowing for upgrades of existing coal plants that reduced emissions, even if not all the way to current standards, improve the environment?  Yep.

    Would mandatory re-refining of used oil reduce environmental damage and dependence on foreign oil?  Yep.

    It is the little shite folks.  You correct small things for a large number of people, and the improvement is massive.

    Will this stop global warming?  probably not.  If it is indeed happenning (and the actual temp data is inconclusive due to lack of long term accuracy and completeness), then it will take more than just the actions of 300,000,000 Americans to stop it.

    BUT… are the things we need to do to slow or reduce POTENTIAL global warming also in the best interests of the united States as a whole, such as reducing oil consumption?  Hell yes!

  • @Jennifer:

    Ac works on the theory of conservation of energy.  When you compress a gas and then decompress it you suck energy from outside to heat up that gas.  This is standard Chemistry and Physics, for a college grad, I’m really amazed you don’t understand it.


    Switch, you have a lot of determination to argue with Jennifer. Posts like this one show me how pointless it is.

    “Let’s not buy AC for my house, i’ll just keep 3-4 old fridges working doors open and enjoy it”  :roll:

  • To be honest, I am about a hair’s breadth of putting Jen on my kill file list.

    I am getting REALLY tired of the same arguments, and the repeated factual errors and erroneous data being posted by Jen, as well as her repeated tactic of either ignoring posts that prove a contradiction to her ideas, or a downright misquote of the statements that go against her.

    If I had ANY reason to think she was actually interested in learning, it would be different.  But, alas, it appears she has her pre-set thoughts, and nothing: not logic, not facts, not reality, will dissuade her from them.

    And I am getting very tired of debating an unarmed opponent.

  • @ncscswitch:

    To be honest, I am about a hair’s breadth of putting Jen on my kill file list.

    I am getting REALLY tired of the same arguments, and the repeated factual errors and erroneous data being posted by Jen, as well as her repeated tactic of either ignoring posts that prove a contradiction to her ideas, or a downright misquote of the statements that go against her.

    If I had ANY reason to think she was actually interested in learning, it would be different.  But, alas, it appears she has her pre-set thoughts, and nothing: not logic, not facts, not reality, will dissuade her from them.

    And I am getting very tired of debating an unarmed opponent.

    lol……dude its just a topic.  You dont need to get sand in your vagina. :-P

  • If it were just one topic, you would be correct Mech.

    But it is EVERY topic.

  • @ncscswitch:

    If it were just one topic, you would be correct Mech.

    But it is EVERY topic.

    Sometimes you just got to let it go, and let the person that you beleive is wrong, to continue being wrong and just hope he/she realizes that they are.  :wink:

  • @MechanizedWarfare:


    If it were just one topic, you would be correct Mech.

    But it is EVERY topic.

    Sometimes you just got to let it go, and let the person that you beleive is wrong, to continue being wrong and just hope he/she realizes that they are.  :wink:

    The joke will be on us when she reveals herself as a troll.  That one would get me good.

  • She’s probably married to shrek;)

  • @MechanizedWarfare:


    If it were just one topic, you would be correct Mech.

    But it is EVERY topic.

    Sometimes you just got to let it go, and let the person that you beleive is wrong, to continue being wrong and just hope he/she realizes that they are.  :wink:

    But for some people (i’m one of them ans switch surely is too), seeing lies and half truths getting spread all around is really annoying. In fact, i don’t care if Jen doesn’t change it’s mind (and principallu her way to “debate” and to bring “proofs”), I just find it SAD to see taht much bullshit beeing spread. Worst thing is too many people (thoses who aren’t well informed and those who absolutely need something to beleive in) are buying bullshit.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    And exactly HOW do you plan to compress THAT much gas without using energy (causing heat) to do the compression?  AND, how do you offset the thermodynamic law that compression of a gas heats the gas (independent of the energy needed to compress it)?

    You can;t use HALF of the laws of thermodynamics to support your hypothesis and not the other half relating to compression heating.

    As for a space reflector…  We can’t keep bolts from floating away while attaching a small solar panel on the space station, and you want to place a reflective mesh tens of thousands of square miles in size in orbit?

    Not to deflate your hopes, but we could fill cannisters in space and bring them down.  The added gravity would put them under more pressure and we could release the gas.  Woolah!  No heat absorbed!  No added expense, we just fill em as part of our currently scheduled misions and let the gravity of the world pressurize them for free upon reentry.

    Gee, why am I the only person on the planet that seems to figure this out?  Oh wait, I’m not, just that when people come up with rational ways to “effect” the planet’s atmosphere you say it’s unfeasible because it wont do enough or try to pick holes in the logic.

    Come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve punishing only US Citizens like Kyoto.

  • Gas has weight, so you need to haul it into orbit to compress it.  Unless you want to build a ram scoop in orbit large enough to collect the gas in space.  Of course right now under current technology, it would be easier to just build a big exhaust pipe up out of the atmosphere and discharge the extra CO2 into space through a 200 mile high tailpipe.

    A couple of O2 bottles that can fit on the Shuttle are not going to cut it either, you are talking scores of cubic miles of atmoshpere to be cooled…

    And you have done nothing to address teh cause of the warming.

  • The Kyoto Protocol is a fine thing to have.  However, I don’t know what you mean by “punishing” US citizens.  We have the highest emissions of any country, hands down, and our emissions per person is nearly at the top as well.  The countries that would have to do the most work obviously don’t want to do that.  Pretty selfish.

  • @Jennifer:

    Not to deflate your hopes, but we could fill cannisters in space and bring them down.  The added gravity would put them under more pressure and we could release the gas.  Woolah!  No heat absorbed!  No added expense, we just fill em as part of our currently scheduled misions and let the gravity of the world pressurize them for free upon reentry.

    Gee, why am I the only person on the planet that seems to figure this out?  Oh wait, I’m not, just that when people come up with rational ways to “effect” the planet’s atmosphere you say it’s unfeasible because it wont do enough or try to pick holes in the logic.

    Come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve punishing only US Citizens like Kyoto.

    I hope you are not talking seriously…
    If yes, it’s a pity.

  • 2007 AAR League

    the earth will adapt.  With or without our current co2 emmissions.  we just may have way more thunderstorms to help out.

  • Yes, the Earth will be fine. The Earth’s inhabitants on the other hand will likely have a tougher time of it. @OLver:


    Not to deflate your hopes, but we could fill cannisters in space and bring them down.  The added gravity would put them under more pressure and we could release the gas.  Woolah!  No heat absorbed!  No added expense, we just fill em as part of our currently scheduled misions and let the gravity of the world pressurize them for free upon reentry.

    Gee, why am I the only person on the planet that seems to figure this out?  Oh wait, I’m not, just that when people come up with rational ways to “effect” the planet’s atmosphere you say it’s unfeasible because it wont do enough or try to pick holes in the logic.

    Come up with a better plan that doesn’t involve punishing only US Citizens like Kyoto.

    I hope you are not talking seriously…
    If yes, it’s a pity.

    I add my own hopes here as well.

  • How is that utterly feasable?  I assume you don’t want to increase funding to NASA so the extremely limited space on the shuttle will be taken up with canisters.  How effective do  you think a single shuttle will be when it comes to cooling A PLANET anyway???  Sorry to poke holes in your logic but perhaps a plan without GAPING holes will have more support.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    How is that utterly feasable?  I assume you don’t want to increase funding to NASA so the extremely limited space on the shuttle will be taken up with canisters.  How effective do  you think a single shuttle will be when it comes to cooling A PLANET anyway???  Sorry to poke holes in your logic but perhaps a plan without GAPING holes will have more support.

    Hey, I’d be for discontinuing the welfare program or the social security program or the paying politicians a salary program to put up that net. :P  Common, put up your program for the good of the planet, or stop trying to convince us you seriously think global warming is an issue.  It’s been 25+ years and we’ve yet to see any significant data that the humans on this planet are doing anything to effect or deter global warming.

    Personally, I don’t think there is anything we CAN do.  Not when our orbit is currently falling towards the sun and the sun is showing above average activity.  In a few hundred years they’ll be complaining of global cooling since the planet will be moving away from the sun.

  • You know, I think the shuttle is a bad idea as far as trying to cure Global Warming anyway.

    I mean, the exhaust of the shuttle when it launches… how many billions of BTU’s of heat is that?


  • The best way to prevent global warming is for guys to not wear tight pants.

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