@panther ok, I will try it…
Thanks. Incidentally, if you are ever up for a game, I’m your huckleberry.
So I’ve attempted to download the new version using the error notification on my old version, and I completely deleted said old version. But when I open up saved games it still says I have the old version, any idea why this would be?
What was the “old version” - what is the “new version” you downloaded.?
Where did you download from?
How did you “completely delete” the old version?
What is the TripleA version that opens when you start TripleA now?
Please post a screenshot of the error message.
What OS are you using?
@Panther The old version was the one I had used for years, I’ve attached a photo of the one I’m using now. Tried downloading the new version from the error message attached. I went into my files and deleted the TripleA application. The version that’s opening up is the windows 64 bit one.
https://triplea-game.org/download/ This is where that error message link takes me. Figured this was the right version unless there is yet a newer one.
What you are currently running is the current (but old - regardless) stable version 2.5.22294.
The error message that you encounter indicates that the savegame has been created with one of the hundreds of newer versions (the latest version is 2.6.14580 as of now) that have been released since the latest “stable”.
I suppose that a version 2.6.xxxxx has been involved when saving the game. 2.6 games are most likely incompatible with games of older engines, depending on what your “old” engine version actually had been.
Now to open the savegame you should try and install a current pre-release version.
You don’t need to remove “old” TripleA installation(s). You can run as much versions as you want side by side. Just make sure to install each in a different installation directory.
Good luck.
@Panther Okay thanks! Where would I find the pre-release version?
On https://triplea-game.org/download/
follow the link behind “Download Pre-Release” -
or go directly to
Choose the newest one and hit “Assets” to download the appropriate installation file.
@Panther Perfect looks like that worked! Thanks for all your help!