@djensen I can show you if you like. It wasnt easy, most of it is automated but like 20% is trusting the other players not to cheat or make mistakes. Luckly I have a good group of guys I know in real life and they are all adults. I run it so I do most of the defensive rolls and when its players turns the do all their regular moves.
Looking for Players Belgium
Im looking for players in Belgium in the cities of Antwerp and Brussels. Maybe start a new community or is there one i can join?
Let me now!greetings
Hi @Spertixx
Welcome to the site ! I believe @The-Captain knows of a couple players in your area. He will see this and reply.
Hello @Spertixx,
We have a group of players in Holland - near the city of Urk - you can contact them on this forum:
- Cornelis Post
- berserker
They play Global 1940.
@Spertixx - I’m in Leuven, and know a few people who like the game here.
@Spertixx I am located in Antwerp and I have 2 friends (also in Antwerp).
We have solid A&A experience (mostly 42nd edition but between the 3 of us we own more than 5 editions, including Global and AA 50).
We would welcome a “4th guy” with a similar skill level. We tried introducing newbies but the difference in XP seems hard to bridge…Are you on Twitter / X? You can find me there under the same username.
@Spertixx Nous sommes 2 joueurs du nord de la france; parlez-vous français ?
@VictoryFirst speaks a pile of languages. I think it’s because he’s Dutch :)
I don’t know if French is one of them. We will ping him anyway :)
@Biomed Je sais parler le français, mais je joue seulement en ligne, via TripleA. Contactez-moi si vous êtes interessés. Je joue à toutes les versions, à l’exception de 1942 Second Edition et Revised.
@VictoryFirst OK; nous nous jouons au plateau, 1940 edition ; nous avons aussi l’edition europe & pacific ; que nous pouvons réunir en un plateau complet et grand! et interessant ! Nous sommes pret à bouger pour trouver des joueurs de plateaux avec nous.
SI cela vous interesse, on pourrait se retrouver pour organiser une partie ?
Lille - bruxelles, ce n’est pas très loin -
Merci pour l’offre, mais je ne suis pas interessé à jouer au plateau. Je pense que cela coûte trop de temps et de peine. Je suis plutôt fan du jeu par forum ou e-mail.