@mikawagunichi Rock On !!!.png
Trying to create a new game and getting error: User Private-Panic doesn't exist.
I am probably doing something stupid!
Wrong forum! I was doing something stupid! Changed that and now getting a different error message
Unfortunately it seems that you have run into the same issue as everybody using the current stable sooner or later does.
It is covered for example in
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39421/unable-to-post-forum-gameYou need the latest TripleA Pre-Release to avoid this error
and play by forum as you are used to.However be aware the Pre-releases might incoproate other issues, so better install them side-to-side with your stable (choose a different installation folder when installing).
@panther Thanks for your help. I will have to gird my techno-phobe loins … :anguished:
As a note for anyone else having the same problem: one of my fellow players has managed to start the game and I can play it from there. So the problem appears to only apply to starting a new game. Which means we have avoided the need for all players to download the version referenced by Panther. Phew!
@private-panic Well I will vouch that Private-Panic Does Exist :)