• This rule is intended to give Cruisers and Battleships a bit more love and to represent the naval bombardment of airfields and the like that occurred in the Pacific during the war.

    Island Bombardment
    An island bombardment is a direct attack on a facility on an island (see Islands). During this step, you can bombard enemy air bases and naval bases with your battleships and cruisers. When you damage these facilities, their capabilities are decreased or eliminated, and your enemy must spend IPCs to repair them in order to restore those capabilities. Repairs can be made by the units’ controlling player during his or her Purchase and Repair Units phase (see Phase 1: Purchase and Repair Units).
    To conduct an island bombardment, the attacking player moves his or her battleships and/or cruisers to the sea zone on the map containing the target(s). If there is NOT combat in the sea zone in which you are performing the bombardment, you roll a die for each participating battleship and cruiser. Any results higher than the attack value of the unit is ignored. Any other value indicates the amount of damage caused to the facility. In other words, a battleship can do 0-4 points of damage and a cruiser can do 0-3 points of damage.

    Cost: 13
    Attack: 3
    Defense: 3
    Move: 2
    Unit Characteristics
    Offshore Bombardment: Your cruisers (along with your battleships) can conduct offshore bombardment during an amphibious assault (see Step 2. Battleship and Cruiser Bombardment).
    Island Bombardment: A cruiser can make a direct attack against an enemy air or naval base on an island in the same sea zone. Such an attack on a facility is an island bombardment (see Island Bombardment).

    Cost: 20
    Attack: 4
    Defense: 4
    Move: 3
    Unit Characteristics
    Capital Ship: Battleships require 2 hits to destroy. If an undamaged battleship is hit once, even by a submarine’s Surprise Strike, turn it on its side to mark its damaged status. Don’t remove an attacking battleship from play or move a defending battleship behind the casualty strip unless it takes a second hit. If a battleship survives a combat having taken a hit, it can be repaired by a visit to an operate friendly major naval base.
    Offshore Bombardment: Your battleships (along with your cruisers) can conduct offshore bombardment during an amphibious assault (see Step 2. Battleship and Cruiser Bombardment).
    Island Bombardment: A battleship can make a direct attack against an enemy air or naval base on an island in the same sea zone. Such an attack on a facility is an island bombardment (see Island Bombardment).

  • @Andy-Palmer said in Island Bombardment:

    This rule is intended to give Cruisers and Battleships a bit more love and to represent the naval bombardment of airfields and the like that occurred in the Pacific during the war.

    Island Bombardment
    An island bombardment is a direct attack on a facility on an island (see Islands). During this step, you can bombard enemy air bases and naval bases with your battleships and cruisers. When you damage these facilities, their capabilities are decreased or eliminated, and your enemy must spend IPCs to repair them in order to restore those capabilities. Repairs can be made by the units’ controlling player during his or her Purchase and Repair Units phase (see Phase 1: Purchase and Repair Units).
    To conduct an island bombardment, the attacking player moves his or her battleships and/or cruisers to the sea zone on the map containing the target(s). If there is NOT combat in the sea zone in which you are performing the bombardment, you roll a die for each participating battleship and cruiser. Any results higher than the attack value of the unit is ignored. Any other value indicates the amount of damage caused to the facility. In other words, a battleship can do 0-4 points of damage and a cruiser can do 0-3 points of damage.

    Cost: 13
    Attack: 3
    Defense: 3
    Move: 2
    Unit Characteristics
    Offshore Bombardment: Your cruisers (along with your battleships) can conduct offshore bombardment during an amphibious assault (see Step 2. Battleship and Cruiser Bombardment).
    Island Bombardment: A cruiser can make a direct attack against an enemy air or naval base on an island in the same sea zone. Such an attack on a facility is an island bombardment (see Island Bombardment).

    Cost: 20
    Attack: 4
    Defense: 4
    Move: 3
    Unit Characteristics
    Capital Ship: Battleships require 2 hits to destroy. If an undamaged battleship is hit once, even by a submarine’s Surprise Strike, turn it on its side to mark its damaged status. Don’t remove an attacking battleship from play or move a defending battleship behind the casualty strip unless it takes a second hit. If a battleship survives a combat having taken a hit, it can be repaired by a visit to an operate friendly major naval base.
    Offshore Bombardment: Your battleships (along with your cruisers) can conduct offshore bombardment during an amphibious assault (see Step 2. Battleship and Cruiser Bombardment).
    Island Bombardment: A battleship can make a direct attack against an enemy air or naval base on an island in the same sea zone. Such an attack on a facility is an island bombardment (see Island Bombardment).

    Why not have them bombard anywhere on map instead of just the pacific ?

  • @GEN-MANSTEIN said in Island Bombardment:

    Why not have them bombard anywhere on map instead of just the pacific ?

    Nothing in the rule limits it to the Pacific; that was just my initial flavor text. It would work equally well on Iceland or Malta.

  • I don’t agree.An amphibious assault is a concentrated attack on a section of coastline chosen by the attacker.Naval gunfire can be directed at defending forces near the coast.An airbase can easily be far inland,and naval bases are usually well protected by shore guns and mines.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    Hmm…I think I see what you’re tying to do. You want the Big ships able to shell coastal territories even with no amphib assault. First impression is that is too powerful as a Base can’t shoot back as in a Bombing raid.

    I wonder if just coastal PU damage to the territory, but that’d just be the same as blockade.

    Maybe only fortifications and infantry could be hit ?

    Yea idk. Bases could take a major beatdown. Be unusable in some areas. Nothing wrong with theory, but you just gotta try these ideas out in play tests. :)

  • I figure there aren’t too many things classified as Islands that would have air bases so far away as to make them invulnerable to shore bombardment. The air fields on Guadalcanal and Wake island certainly got hit and both Hickam and Pearl could be hit from the sea. By definition, this ability assumes no defenders. Even a single scrambling fighter or defending destroyer nullifies the ability.

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