@midnight_reaper that’s a cool idea and I might have to try it. However I don’t like the idea of getting advancements for free, which is why I like some sort of facility to buy. Since the G40 R&D board seems to have the better advances on one side I’d say you have to roll a 1-4 to get the 1 column, and 5-6 to get the second. Maybe even through in an added cost to get 1-3 & 4-6. But again with that, I think countries should have to build the facilities in their capitol instead of anywhere and starting with them.
Potential A-Bomb / Belgian Congo House Rule
This is just a starting point rather than a fully-developed concept (it would need to be worked out in detail by players who are experienced with house rules), but it’s an idea based on this BBC article published yesterday…
The forgotten mine that built the atomic bomb
3rd August 2020…which indicates that a mine in the Congo was the source for nearly all of the uranium used in the Manhattan Project, culminating with the construction of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. According to one part of the article, “In no other mine could you see a purer concentration of uranium. Nothing like it has ever been found. Mines in the US and Canada were considered a ‘good’ prospect if they could yield ore with 0.03% uranium. At Shinkolobwe, ores typically yielded 65% uranium. The waste pile of rock deemed too poor quality to bother processing, known as tailings, contained 20% uranium.”
From an A&A perspective, this suggests that any house rules which permit the construction of atomic bombs need to be accompanied by a house rule requiring control of the Belgian Congo, presumably for a cumulative total of several turns to allow the required quantity of ore to be mined and stockpiled. A variation would be to make control of the Belgian Congo a national objective of some sort; if we assume that only the Allies have a realistic prospect of building an A-bomb, then control of the Belgian Congo could be an Allied N.O. whose aim is to gain that capability, and it could be an Axis N.O. whose aim is to deny that capability to the Allies.
Good to see you back. Thanks for reply. I do have what your talking about on old map and my new map. Axis control Belgian Congo receive 4 icps. Other 3 is from USA.
We don’t have the atom bomb but allies get to start game with these 4 icps but axis can get it too. Just a small house rule anyway.