trulpen's 1st G40 2v2-tourney: Rules

  • trulpen’s 1st G40 2v2-tourney

    Based on the League and adjusted

    Tournament Director (TD)
    Carries the main responsibility for the tournament.

    The position is held by @trulpen through autocratic decision.

    Tournament Arbiter (TA)
    The arbiter’s function is to support conduct and rules implementation during the tournament. If need be, arbiters will make the final decision on any rule violation or other game dispute. Arbiters are prohibited from making rulings in their own games.

    Head arbiter

    Assisting arbiter

    Available game versions

    • Axis & Allies G40.2 (also called OOB or vanilla)
    • Axis & Allies BM3
    • Axis & Allies P2V

    The tournament will be a round-robin where each team plays every other team once. The teams decide themselves when they want to play eachother.

    There is no demand to play all games at once, but stalling will result in a loss.

    Stalling is defined as when a team has no matches in progress and haven’t started one within two weeks after being challenged by another team.

    In order for a challenge to be official and valid it has to be posted in the tournament challenge thread.

    Make sure you tag (@) both opposing team members when you issue a challenge.

    A team is constituted by two active players. They decide between themselves which nations to play, but the distribution has to be declared at the beginning of a game.

    Full communication within the team is allowed, but external communication regarding game decisions should be avoided.

    A nation’s game posts has to be made by the player responsible for that nation.

    Game location
    All games has to be played as PBF (play by forum) in order to be possible to follow for all involved parties.

    Game threads has to be set up in the tournament category for the convenience of the TD, arbiters, players and audience.

    Game posts are exclusive for the specified game thread.

    A win is declared by either victory conditions or resignation and is awarded 1 point, while a loss results in 0 points.

    The standings are available online in this spreadsheet.

    Posting results
    Losing teams are responsible to post results in the tournament result thread. This way it’s certain the losing team agrees with the game result. The winner may post the result when the game result was due to time limits.

    Post the team names of the winner and loser, the sides each team played and provide a link to the game thread.

    Exemplified by an axis-win, the prefered way for posting a result is:

    • X vs A 1-0

    where “X” represent the Axis and “A” the Allies.

    The Axis should always be the team on the left and the Allies on the right.

    If Allies had won the result would’ve been 0-1.

    The link to the game thread can either be internalised in the result text as in

    • [X vs A 1-0](link url)

    or provided below it as in

    • X vs A 1-0

    If two or more teams end up with the same score, the order is decided by the result of the direct encounter.

    If teams are still unseparable, there will be a direct play-off discerning the winner, continuing for as many rounds as need be.

    Game rules
    The basic rule-set is the published G40 2nd edition.

    Rules are available as pdf:s for Europe and Pacific or a mobile friendly version of Global.

    Additional standard rule-sets are the modifications of BM3 and P2V.

    Default settings
    If nothing else is stated, the following will be active:

    • G40.2
    • Regular dice (as opposed to low luck)
    • No technology
    • Bid to determine sides

    Any default settings, whether it concerns rules, bidding or time-limits, may be modified by mutual agreement of the involved players.

    Not required, but normally used to ensure that both teams are satisfied with the side they are playing.

    The bidding-process follows that one team begins by offering to play a side for a certain amount of IPC, then the other team may accept the bid or offer a counter-bid, which has to be lower. The process continues until one team has accepted the other team’s bid.

    Default settings for bidding

    • Only one bid-unit in a territory or sea zone
    • The nation placing a bid-unit must have started with a unit in the territory or sea zone prior to placing the bid
    • China is limited to bid-units of infantry, artillery and fighter, including their movement and placement restrictions

    Posting schedule

    Time limits
    There is a 72 hour time-limit per move. This may be negotiated by the players at game start. If there is agreement upon different time-limits, it has to be posted as a prerequisite in the game thread before the actual game is started.

    72 h-warning
    If 72 hours goes by and there is no game-play post from the opponent, that is at least one game decision made, then a warning may be created by posting “bump” along with the tagged team-players names and the number of the bump.

    If it’s the second warning, it would look like this:

    • @NN @NN bump#2

    Do not add any other text than the bump and player names in your warning post.

    Warnings can be issued for posting of partial turns, OOL requests, map questions etc, but they follow the same 72 h requirement.

    Any premature or retroactively issued 72 h-warnings will be void.

    Consequence of 72 h-warnings
    Each valid warning resets the clock for another 72 h.

    On the 4th 72 h-warning the offending team may be disqualified and declared a loss for that game by request of the opposing team.

    Play can be paused for a total of 21 days without penalty by simply posting the need for a vacation. The duration of absence needs to be specified, although the reason does not.

    If a turn is not posted within 14 days of either the previous turn post, request for a game decision or the end of a predetermined vacation, then the team failing to post may be disqualified and declared a loss for that game by request of the opposing team.

    The purpose is to reduce the number of game stoppages for opponent decisions. Because you are assuming a decision for your opponent, the opponent must always be given the benefit of the doubt and arbiters will always decide in this manner.

    When making an assumption, there’s a risk that the opponent will disagree after seeing the turn. If there is an issue with assumption, the teams should try and come to an agreement about how to handle it.

    If there’s no agreement, then the defender can demand that the entire concerned battle(s) will be re-rolled.

    Alternatively either team may request an arbiter ruling.

    Order of play
    From page 11 in the rulebook:

    • Axis and Allies is played in rounds. A round consists of each power taking a turn. Your power’s turn consists of six phases, which take place in a fixed sequence. When you finish the Collect Income phase, your turn is over. Play then passes to the next power.

    You may only go back to previous phases or turns of the game and make changes with permission from your opponent.

    Player’s responsibility
    It is primarily the players’ responsibility to keep themselves informed of the rules. The arbiters are mainly at hand for help and support.

    This concludes the rules section.

    Have fun!


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