I’m axis allies’s foreign fan. And I bought axis allies anniversary 50. But, when I unbox, the inside boxes are a little breakage. So I want to repair them!
Is there axis allies anniversary 50 box(inside) art pdf file?
Out-of-box Optional Rules Checklist for Anniversary:
While I think this is a good list, it’s so short I don’t know why you didn’t just post the text of in your posting?
@Midnight_Reaper I feel like its easier to save and print this way, that’s all. I print one out before going to play at a tournament/friends house.
Axis and Allies Anniversary Edition
Players must agree on the following options before starting the game:
Which Scenario are we playing?
a) 1941
b) 1942
How many victory cities will we play to?
a) 13 cities
b) 15 cities (default)
c) 18 cities
Research and Development allowed?
a) Yes
b) No
National Objectives allowed?
a) Yes
b) No
Dardanelles closed to sea movement?*
a) Yes
b) No
Fighter Escorts and Interceptors allowed?*
a) Yes
b) No
*Found in the official corrections/FAQ located here: https://axisallies.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/axis-allies-rules-anniversary-corrections-faqs.pdf