Uh oh. You’re in trouble, then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Transport unloading on non combat move
Was curious if the situation.
I want to move my transport in a non combat move to a sea zone that has enemy boats in.Is the transport legal to unload in that SZ, or will the other side have to First fight those transports first on there future turn, and if the transport survive, then I can unload when the turn comes back around?
Realistically, the transports won’t survive at all, but just wondered if I can do non combat and unload, and accept doing this my transports will be gone when it’s there turn.
Thanks, Bravehart.
If there are enemy warships on the surface, you cant NCM into a hostile sea zone. To attempt an unload in a hostile SZ you must clear it first, during combat.
If it is only enemy submarines, those do not make the SZ hostile, but there is a special rule that a friendly warship must accompany the transport for it to unload, and I believe that’s true whether its a NCM or Combat action.
Thanks taamvan,
It makes sense. Thanks for the detailed answer.
@Bravehart @taamvan
@taamvan said in Transport unloading on non combat move:… If it is only enemy submarines, those do not make the SZ hostile, but there is a special rule that a friendly warship must accompany the transport for it to unload, and I believe that’s true whether its a NCM or Combat action.
No, this is a rule for Combat Move/Amphibious Assault only, see Rulebook Pacific 1940.2, page 15:
However, a transport is not allowed to offload land units for an amphibious assault in a sea zone containing 1 or more ignored enemy submarines unless at least 1 warship belonging to the attacking power is also present in the sea zone at the end of the Combat Move phase.
Thanks buddy, my transports will noncom with impunity from now on!