if you count the regular income from all nations together you come up to 149 IPCs. With the national Objectives you get an possible additional income of somewhat around 90 IPC at maximum. So if noone saves any money ever the maximum you’ll need at one point is somewhere around 240 IPCs. Now you might want to count in some savings and the possibility to change between the different denominations.
I guess to be on the sure side you should have about 350 IPCs. How many of which denominations depends a bit on what you and your buddies prefer. Would you want to have more then 10 1-IPC-bills? Or do you change those anyway to a 5 or 10-IPC-bill? And so on :wink:
Germany NO’s when holding Leningrad, Russia and Stalingrad?
When Germany holds Leningrad, Russia and Stalingrad they receive a bonus total of 15 ipc’s, 5 for each territory. If you lose Leningrad yet still hold R and S do you get 10 bonus ipc’s? When we play we believe you must hold all 3 to get the 15 ipc’s. Now some have said losing one of the 3 territories does not void the remaining 10 ipc’s. Can we get a ruling on this l? Thx we’re new and love the game.
Smack -
Hi Smack
Yea you get the 5 bucks independent of controlling the others. @Panther will probably explain it better.
Yea : ) Fun game and Welcome to the boards
Rulebook says:
When Germany Is at War with the Soviet Union:
• 5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow).
Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.The “or” indicates that it is 5 IPC per territory. Be it one , two or three.