Welcome, Bapinurnose!
Yes, they can.
Actually, we don’t need to extrapolate. From the rules themselves, specifically page 18 (top of right hand column).
If the original controller’s capital is in enemy hands when you liberate
the territory, you collect income for the newly captured territory and
can use any industrial complex there until the original controller’s
capital is liberated.
Thanks James.
I knew there was a reason that I never even thought it was an issue :-)
yet still, I knew I read it somewhere, so I didn’t remember exactly where I read it…
Since you guys were talking about it anyway, you refreshed my memory on the topic.
So, thanx!
turns out I’ve been playing wrong all this time. Sometimes those little details get past me even after having played for months now, and having a good grasp on the rules.
IN terms of putting an AC down in the baltic and being able to put fighters on it right after, am I allowed to take fighters that have already seen combat and put them on teh AC, as long as they are near the baltic? For exapmle, if i take the fighters in France and Germany and attack the UK battleship and then land them back in Germany, and then put down the AC, can I still put those fighters on teh AC? Because it would really suck to just put down the AC with no fighters and then ahve the UK come and blow them all to pieces. Does everyone know what I mean?
wow, I never knew LHTR had this rule modified…
anyway, I play the OM-way
Just some questions
1. What is OM?
2. Whar is LHRT?
3. where do i find these different rules?
4. which is mostly used?
5. are any of these official rules from avalon hill?
Daniel Malus
OM is “Operations Manual”, the printed rules that come with the Avalon Hill version of Axis and Alllies
LHRT is Larry Harris (the developer of the Revised game) Tournament Rules. Version 1.3 is in the works (clarifying multi-national naval forces rules) and you can find links to LHRT (the most common verson of the rules for use in online play) by searching these forums for either LHRT or Larry Harris
Avalon Hill’s official rules are the OM as modfied by their online postings of manual erata (corrections of things like the OM saying that SBR damage is a roll of 1d6, or the PC value of the territory bombed, whichever is GREATER)
Most folks use LHRT for online play, since those are the msot clear, have the fewest amiguities, and are widely accepted since they come from the game designer.
Thanks a lot!
-Daniel Malus
That Lysdexia can be annoying at times :-P