Hello everyone. I am an avid Axis and Allies player but my choice of games is very limited due to the fact that I know very few people that play the game anymore. I am looking for a regular group to game with playing various editions. I am particularly fond of the new World War I version lately but all editions are acceptable. Hopefully looking for either a weekly or bi-weekly game in the Northwestern Wisconsin or Northeast Minnesota area.
Quitman, MS: Looking for players, group, and justitication to buy
I am looking for anyone playing Axis & Allies or Global War near me. It would be nice to play face to face once a month. I would have to play when not working out of state. I have Axis & Allies Anniversary Edition (reprint) and Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition. Considering buying Global War 1936 and Axis & Allies 1940 Global 2nd Edition. Really need a group to justify buying it. Most of my expertience is with Axis & Allies Classic, Axis & Allies Iron Blitz (1998), and Triple A (here recently).
Iron Blitz! Hell yeah!
Wish I was in your neighbourhood but I’m not. Best luck finding other rabid A&A fans!
I’d enjoy playing Global 1940 via Triple A. Also, do your out-of-state travels ever bring you to the DC area? We have a group that meets at a local county recreation center adjacent to Fort Belvoir, normally 2x a month. Feel free to contact me on email at jonkrost@comcast.net.
I’d enjoy playing Global 1940 via Triple A. Also, do your out-of-state travels ever bring you to the DC area? We have a group that meets at a local county recreation center adjacent to Fort Belvoir, normally 2x a month. Feel free to contact me on email.
I’ve emailed you. Probably not going to play live, but maybe via TripleA.
@Undercover-Rabbit me and my friend play via whatts app just like in the youtube wars, we play anniversary, if you are interested ill give you my cellphone number