How do you do a KJF? This is my strategy. If someone has already beat me to this idea, please say so! Also, it is essential here that Germany do a Sealion here, otherwise crucial Russian participation will be impossible.
This strategy revolves around Russia putting maximum pressure on the Japanese in Manchuria and Korea, while UK Pacific and Russia reinforce the Chinese. America needs to build subs to hit the Chinese coast, the Money Islands, and SZ6. They also need to build surface ships to combat the Japanese navy. China needs to take the offensive whenever it can. Finally, ANZAC needs to concentrate on liberating the Money Islands. As long as Russia can survive, then the Allies will win in Europe. Japan is overextended as is- employ this strategy, and it should be dead by J6 or J7.
Build: 3 tanks in Leningrad and 3 in Ukraine. This is to give you counteroffensive punch when Germany attacks you (should be around turn 3).
Combat Move: Declare war on Japan, and nothing else.
Noncombat Move: In the West, don’t move any of your infantry stacks. They will make useful blockers when Germany attacks. In the East, fly your Moscow fighter and tactical bomber to Yunnan. Although they will (most likely) die in the Japanese attack, they will (hopefully) take two extra Japanese out with them, thus enabling the Chinese to reclaim Yunnan. Send your Caucasus infantry, along with your Moscow tank and mech, into Kazakhstan. Also, move your Stalingrad mech and tank into Sikang. These units will be used to reinforce the Chinese Army and counterattack when Chinese infantry stacks aren’t enough. Finally, stack all 20 Far Eastern pieces in Amur. This forces the Japanese to either abandon Manchuria and Korea, or never deploy the troops there. If they attack your forces, the chances are good that they’ll beat you, but lose most of their force. The remnants will also arrive too late to do much in China.
Collect: 37 IPCs, and end the turn with 38.
Purchase:1 carrier, 1 fighter, 1 tac. bomber in Western United States. Assuming Japan didn’t do a J1, you’re exposed to a Japanese attack on your fleet, and don’t have many places to hide. A new carrier will help to alleviate some of these problems.
Combat Move: Nothing
Noncombat Move: Send your Hawaiian fleet to SZ10. Again, you’re exposed to a Japanese attack, so protect your fleet by congregating it out-of-range, in SZ10.
Collect: 52 IPCs, and end the turn with 67
Purchase: 3 infantry if you can afford it, 2 if not. Typically, Japan knocks you down to 8 IPCs by capturing Yunnan, Hunan, Anhwe, and Chahar. These will be used to reinforce Yunnan after you capture it.
Combat Move: Foremost, hit Yunnan with everything you can! You should have 8 infantry and your Flying Tiger. Especially considering the Soviets who died in Yunnan last turn, you should be able to liberate Yunnan fairly easily. If you like, you can attack Chahar (which the Japanese have likely occupied).
Noncombat Move: Land your Flying Tiger in Szechwan.
Collect: 15-16IPCs (depending on whether or not Chahar is occupied)
Purchase: 2 tanks and an artillery in Calcutta
Combat Move: Declare war on Japan
Noncombat Move: Send your 2 Burma infantry into Yunnan. Fly both fighters and your tac. bomber into Szechwan. Send 2 infantry and your sz39 fleet to Sumatra. Move your remaining 4 infantry in India to Burma. Keep your 3 infantry in Malaya- the Japanese may be able to attack.
Collect: 26 IPCs and end the turn with 31
Purchase: 1 transport in Sydney
Combat Move: Declare war on Japan
Noncombat Move: Move your destroyer, along with 1 infantry and 1 artillery, to Java
Collect: 19 IPCs, and end the turn with 23