• Hello all,

    It’s been a while, but I have finished a new free map for my website:

    NATO Vs. Warsaw Pact - 1989


    It is located under “Tour” -> “Free Maps”


    Rune Blade

  • Historically, the Warsaw Pact didn’t “plan to divide and crush” the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation because of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Also the Cold War didn’t “prove to be the most destructive war the world has ever known;” the Second World War did, with an estimated 55 million casualties on all sides.

  • Rune that map link under free maps is the same for all three games. I wanted to try out Iraq 1991 and the nato v. warsaw but its the same map for all three.

  • Moderator

    Maybe it is supposed to be the same, Just different rulesets…


  • LOL! you mean a game about the iraq invasion requires a map of the world? LOL!!

  • Moderator

    No :-D

    At one point he had a world map for the Gulf 1 which was represented on global scale…

  • Hey guys.  Gulf war 1 is based off of a global map.  It is a hypothetical “What if” as China and Russia would get involved in favor of Iraq.  That is the only Iraq -1991 scenario I have.  All maps under the “Free Maps” are a global maps but are all different in terms of sides and territories!

    Try out Iran - 2007!


  • @Gen:

    Historically, the Warsaw Pact didn’t “plan to divide and crush” the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation because of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Also the Cold War didn’t “prove to be the most destructive war the world has ever known;” the Second World War did, with an estimated 55 million casualties on all sides.

    Dude Warsaw Pact forces never attacked NATO at all so its all fake.Its a what-if senario.  he’s just trying to make the game more intresring.

  • Historically, the Warsaw Pact didn’t “plan to divide and crush” the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation because of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Also the Cold War didn’t “prove to be the most destructive war the world has ever known;” the Second World War did, with an estimated 55 million casualties on all sides.

    Dude Warsaw Pact forces never attacked NATO at all so its all fake.Its a what-if senario.  he’s just trying to make the game more intresring

    That’s exactly right.  Why did he think World War III happened???

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