@Boxerteam are you still looking for players? Recently got back into the game and I am looking for a group to play.
Looking for online players for experimental variant
I have an experimental A&A online variant that uses a simultaneous play style inspired by the game Diplomacy. I am looking for players to help me play-test it and provide feedback. I intend to play it in a play-by-mail style, with each player keeping a personal board handy using miniatures. The online game keeps track of all the game state, including unit positions and movements, so using a board at all is optional. The user interface includes a crude map with units displayed. I intend to make a more sophisticated interactive interface, but I need some real play-testing to know where to go with that. If you are interested, please read the docs here:
if you are ready to try a game, send me a message at:
include a nickname to register on the system in your message. I will use your email address for the system login, but only your nickname will be visible to the players.